the aftermath

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When he woke up, he could hardly see. Hell, he didn't even know where he was.

Turning his head slightly, he winced a bit as he felt pain just behind his eyes. It was awful. What had happened to him while he was sleeping? He stopped paying attention to this as he felt hands running through his hair. He hardly reacted.

"Cedrik.." A familiar voice muttered, the Dane quietly looking to where the voice had come from. He couldn't tell who it was; everything was generally blurry. Why was everything blurry? The unknown voice began speaking again.

"I'm so glad to have you back, Cedrik...I've missed you for so long..."


The unknown voice chuckled quietly as he took notice of the other's confused expression, smiling softly. "Silly Dane. It's Christoffer. I came to see you." The Norwegian man chuckled, being sure not to speak too loud–Boris was listening. He looked at the Dane lovingly, more than happy to have him back. Sure, he wasn't the same(nor would he ever be), but that was okay with him. As long as he had Cedrik back, then he was a happy camper.

Cedrik took a moment before reaching his hands up to cup the other's face, smiling slightly as he felt the younger man gently take hold of his hands and guide them to his face. His hands and face were both so warm; it made his heart skip a beat. Like he had fallen in love all over again.

"I'm right here, Cedrik. Can you see well?"

The Dane didn't respond.

"His sight will be back to normal after ten minutes or so. They are still adjusting." Dr.Volkov interjected, glancing towards the door as it opened. A nun gently motioned for him to come over, the Russian of course nodding and walking towards the door. However, Christoffer stopped him briefly.

"Thank you so much, Doctor." He said to the taller man, a wide smile on his lips. He hadn't smiled in so long. Finally, he had his Cedrik back. Now they could both be happy—together.

"Of course. It is not a problem. You and I both had a deal, and you completed your half. It is only fair that I complete mine as well. But I am not the one to be thanking." Boris said softly, placing a hand on the shorter man's shoulder.

"Right, he...?"

"Yes, he is here. I will tell him that you are grateful." The Russian man said with a soft chuckle, nodding a bit before leaving the room quietly, closing the door behind him once he stepped out into the hallway. He was glad to not be in the same room as the younger two men; both made him sick to his stomach.

"Well?" The Swede asked quietly once he saw Boris, seeming generally impatient. He had been waiting in the hall for over an hour now.

"The procedure went fine once I got him to comply. It was very difficult at first, but he in. Yes."

"But does he—"

"Yes. He thinks you are dead. He was not very hard to trick." He said to Frederik, a smile spreading on his own lips. Both men chuckled quietly, before Boris' smile faded and his tone grew. Into a much more serious one.

"You cannot tell anyone about this. This is going to be our little secret."

"Of course. I wouldn't want this to become public, either." The Swede replied, turning on his heel to walk back to the end of the hallway and leave the building. He had done what he needed to, and now wished to return to his life as if nothing had happened.

"Wait," Boris began, the other stopping to turn and look at him. "Mr.Bondevik says thank you."

With a straight face, Frederik shook his head. He couldn't accept such a gesture..

"There's no need. I'll do anything to make Kris happy until the day I die, even if that means having his husband lobotomized."

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