the asylum

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The minute he walked through those doors, he wanted to turn back. He wanted to turn and sprint out of that building and keep on running until he passed out from exhaustion.

The sight of the place was atrocious–sure, it looked like a nice little church-type building from the outside. But once you got inside, it was like entering hell and viewing the devil himself. Patients inhabited the halls, most of them appearing to be as terrified as caged animals. Some were screaming and hitting the walls with their fists and heads, begging to be "fixed" and "cured", only to receive a whack on the wrist and a brief scolding from one of the many nuns inhabiting the place. Others were too doped up on medications to process their surroundings.

Hiding behind the Swede as a nun approached them, he felt uneasy as he looked at her. She was smiling–but it looked neither sincere or kind. It was forced. It was as if she was hiding something.

"May I ask why you two gentlemen are here?" She asked softly, the older of the two furrowing his eyebrows as he watched Frederik whisper a few things to the woman. He watched the woman write a few things on the clipboard she had been holding close to her chest as Frederik took small step away from her. What was he saying that was so secret?

"Oh! You're here for him." She said softly, chuckling a bit as she gave an understanding nod. He watched the woman write a few things on the clipboard she had been holding close to her chest as Frederik took small step away from her. "Mr.Koehler, is it?" She asked upon looking at the Dane, titling her head.

"...It's Bondevik-Koehler." He corrected politely, stepping out from behind the Swede as he spoke with an insincere smile to match the nun's.

"Ah...the two of you are...husbands." This sentence left a bitter taste in her mouth. He could tell by the way she had hesitated to say such a sinful thing. "Well, I am glad you also have decided to get help for your problem. That is a very courageous step to take." Her smile had faltered.

"...pardon? Frederik, what is she–" he began, his eyes widening as he realized that the Swede was no longer standing beside him.

"...Mr.Bondevik-Koehler, who is Frederik?" The nun asked worriedly, two doctors quietly approaching them.

"He's..he's a friend of mine...I swear, he was here just a moment ago.." Cedrik muttered with a panicked chuckle, looking around quickly; Frederik was nowhere to be seen. "He..he's probably just playing a little joke on me...Haha, you're so funny, can come back now...!"

"A friend..?"

The Dane was growing more impatient; now was not the time to play such a childish joke. "Y-Yes, he's my friend. Now, where the h-hell did he go?! He was just here!"

The nun quietly turned to the pair of doctors that had been patiently waiting behind her, whispering something to both of them. Cedrik couldn't seem to make out what she had said, but within moments he knew that it had to have been some sort of command, due to the two doctors both grabbing him by either arm.

"Wh-what are you doing?!" He demanded, quickly starting to pull himself free from their grasps. No. No, no, no. This wasn't happening.

"Shh..calm down, sir. This will all be over soon, we promise." One of the men muttered with a rather condescending tone, starting to pull the Dane to one of the many corridors of the asylum.

"What the hell does that mean?! Where did Frederik go?!"

"Sir, your friend wasn't ever there to begin with. It's all in your head."

Jesus Christ.

"No he's not! He's real! He was right there! I'm not crazy, dammit! Let me go!" The Dane snapped as he started to try and break free once more, thrashing and kicking as hard as he could–neither doctor seemed to be affected by his attempts. They both overpowered him; simple math, really. With a 2:1 ratio, Cedrik didn't stand a chance.

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