Chapter 25

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"So, it's official?" Mark asks in a defeated voice. You sigh and tangle your fingers in his hair.

He's sitting on the edge of his bed, with you standing in front of him. He has his arms wrapped around your waist and his head rests on your tummy. He sighs and hugs you tighter.

"So, everybody I care for is leaving. Felix leaves tomorrow and you leave in a week. And I'm stuck here," Mark pouts.

"Dr. Janae mentioned you. She told me that if you start participating, she'll come to a verdict. She says you like fine and if you start talking, you'll leave the day after me. That's if you start talking." you tell him. He sighs and runs his hands through his hair.

"I don't like talking," he says.

"I know but it's your only way out of here, the sooner you're out, the sooner we can be together," you say. Mark looks at you and smiles and nods.

"Fine, I'll talk today," Mark says. You smile and kiss him.

"Well, looks like you gotta go to your session," you say. Mark sighs once again and gets up. He hugs you and heads out the door and down the hall.


"So how's everything been?" you ask. You promised yourself you wouldn't cave in, but you did.

"Same old, not much has really happened," she answers. You nod and look back down at your notebook you were handed in here. You haven't used it much since things were much different a couple days ago. You didn't need it at the time. You were always surrounded by at least one of the boys. Now, it's just you and Tracy in the room.

The silence was deafening and the tension was thick. You had so much to ask and so much to say. You know she also had lots to ask and lots to say. You put your notebook away and sit with your legs off the edge of the bed. You look at Tracy who's only looking at a wall. You sigh and sit back on your bed with your back against the wall. You look out in Tracy's direction.

"When I was younger, before I met you, I'd always been the kind of person everybody wanted to be friends with. Not in the 'popular kid' type of way, but just simply be friends. I had a lot of friends. Then, I moved schools. To the same one, we went to. Still, before I met you, I began to make fewer friends. I grew up and people left my life, taking my friends with them," you say and pause. You look at the ceiling and sigh.

"I slowly became a very awkward and shy child. Talking to people wasn't hard, it just made me feel awkward. When you're so accustomed to something for so long, it gets hard to break from that. Then I met you and we became friends. You know how cruel kids can be. Having a friend like you where all the boys liked you was hard because I was always compared to you. I was stuck in your shadow. I was no longer y/n. I became 'Tracy's friend'. It sucked," you say.

"The more friends I lost, the more I cherished friends. The more I cherished you. Out of all the people there, you chose the weird ugly girl," you say. "You meant more to me than I did to myself at one point. Forgot who I was, forgot I was me for a year or two. I didn't care for myself because I was so obsessed with the thought that I actually had a friend. I ended up hurting myself by setting expectations sky high." you say. The room went silent, only the sound of breathing was heard.

"I don't know why I recalled that, but I suppose it got you thinking," you say. Tracy hums in response. You sigh.

"I take friendships seriously, is my point. That's all," you say. Quiet consumes you once again. The tension is thick again. You sigh once more and look out the window.

"I'm sorry," Tracy says. You just hum in response.

"I've been a terrible friend and I know I can never recover from that. I don't expect you to forgive me, I just-i'm sorry," Tracy says.

"I forgive you. I do. I just won't forget. At the end of the day, I still care for you even if we're not labeling ourselves as friends. I'm still here if you need me, to listen, to help," you say.

"I'll always be there for you. I still see you as a sister in a way even though we're growing apart. I still care for you and maybe we don't need to be friends, but I'll always be there for you." she says. You smile and lie down on your bed. Maybe things will be okay from here on out.


I'm sorry for the very late and shorter than usual chapter. I'm thinking if I keep going in the direction I am, I might be able to make 8-ish chapters and I have an epilogue planned.

How are you? How's life been? Sleep well? Eat well? Anything cool happen lately? Any plans today? Keep up with hygiene? I love you guys ❤

Life has been shitty the past three days. A whole bunch of shit happened and I'm mad at my dad rn. I was busy all weekend watching kids as well as on Monday because I didn't have school. Some shit happened and the cops had to come to my house so I didn't go to school Tuesday, which was okay, I guess. Except when my dad called me he got mad at me and started yelling at me all this stuff that made me feel shitty and I got pissed, so im mad at him and haven't talked to him (he doesn't live with me, so im good) and I told one of my friends and completely took my dad's side, so im annoyed with her. I'll rant about that later. So, school was okay today. I was just really tired because I was running on a little under an hour of sleep and it's currently 2am as I write this and i have to wake up at 6 for school. And then the worst part of it all, Trump is the new president (I'll also rant about that) so life really sucks right now. Also, Tracy girl, I may or may not have talked to her, which is what helped with this chapter. Did I make a mistake? Like, talking to her again? Anyways.

Fangirl here.

Rant here.

Any new shows you're into rn?

Any musicians you're into right now?

YouTubers you're into rn?

I hope you enjoyed, feedback is appreciated. I'll try to update this Saturday.

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