What is Love?

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I went over to my friend Jennifer's house. I knocked on the door then I paced back and forth until she answered the door. The door opened and Jennifer was wearing a wife-beater and pajama bottoms. 

"Damn, J.J.! What happened to you?" she said.

"Jen, I'm so pissed off right now!" I said.

"Calm down and come inside before my neighbors think something's wrong with you." she said.

I went inside and sat down on the sofa. Tears rolled down my eyes once more. I told Jen everything that happened this morning.

"Aw shit! Alisha cheated on you...with another woman?!" she said.

"Yes. Some stud name Jay." I said.

"Jay?! As in Jay Anderson?! She's our rival  who plays for the other team, The Bulldogs.  I knew something was up with that bitch Alisha since day one. I never liked her ass." said Jennifer.

"I was gonna propose to her this morning so when I went to her house to take her out for breakfast, Jay answered the door. She told me that she been cheating on me with that bitch for two freaking months! I took her ring and threw in the damn trash where it belongs. I never thought she would do this to me!" I cried.

"Damn J.J.! That bitch ain't no good. There's plenty of girls that would love you and never cheat on you. What she did was unbelievable, and downright wrong! As for Jay, she had no right to do that to you." she said.

"Yeah, you right, Jen. I'm just so hurt right now. I don't think I can ever fall in love or trust another woman again." I said.

"So what you saying? Are you done with women for good? Please tell me that is not what you about to tell me." she said.

"Hell no! What you think I am?" I said.

"Dude, you scared me for a minute there! Look, I got to get ready for work. I'll bring you some ice for you eye. Damn, she fucked you up!" said Jen

"Shut up, Jen! I'm going home." I said.

"Aight then, I'll call you soon as I get off. We'll hang out. Just me, Terez, Kai, and Carter are coming over. It'll just be a night out for us. I got to hit the shower and I ain't had no breakfast yet cause I just woke up. I think I'll pick up something on the way to work. Are you sure you're gonna be ok until I see you tonight?" she said.

"Yeah. I'll be alright." I said.

"Aight. See you later." she said.

"Later Jen." I said.

Jennifer's POV

"That damn Alisha! I never liked her ass. My best friend is heartbroken and I decided to do something to cheer her up and help her move on from that evil bitch. So I called the girls and told them what happened and we planned to take J.J. out  tonight. We didn't want her moping around the house. We just wanted her to have fun with her girls tonight and maybe meet some girls out there. What can I say? I'm a playa for life and I love the ladies. The ladies can't resist me but I understand where J.J. is coming from. The real reason I because a playa is because I was in a long term relationship with this girl for six years. I finally had the courage to propose to her and this is what happened.

So one day I was home and my girlfriend Kim was in the bathroom. She left her computer on and I decided to go on facebook but her when I opened the laptop, Kim was on her facebook page. I decided to look through it. I was just gonna look at the pictures of us she took over the years. To my surprise as I scrolled down to find a picture of us and I noticed that not one picture of us was on there. I found pictures of Kim and other women but not one picture of me. I was furious then I noticed she change her status from In a relationship to Single. Then I found posts of some girl that she had been talking to. It started from the second year of our relationship. Kim came out the bathroom and told me what I was doing on her page. I was pissed off and I yelled at her. 

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