Women lie, Men lie

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I haven't spoken to my father in months and my mother called me one day after practice. She told me that my father wanted to see me. She said that he had been calling me. I knew that because I was ignoring his calls. Now he really wants to see me. So I left basketball practice and got into my car and drove to my apartment. When I got there my dad was waiting for me. I got out of the car and invited him in. We could have talked outside but it was cold and I didn't want the nosy neighbors all up in my business. So I threw my backpack on the sofa and went into the kitchen to grab some water. I sat on the sofa and didn't say a word because my father did all the talking.

"Baby girl. I just had to see you because I wanted to talk to you. I'm sorry for I did to your mother. Those women I was with and they kids, well, they ain't mine! I got one child and that's you. Your mother told you that we're getting a divorce. I'm getting my things and I'm moving out. I want you to come visit me. I'll be moving in a month to Atlanta. I got to play for the team out there next week and I'm buying a new house out there. I hope you come and see me in my new house." He said.

"Mom told me everything and she said those kids are yours! You hurt mom, You hurt me, and You're hurting those kids that you got with those women that need you! You gonna stand there and lie to me in my face?! Are you serious?! Congrats on your new house, Dad, because I'm not coming to see you or your new house." I said.

I stood up and went into my room and I heard my dad leave a few minutes later. I went back into the living room, sat on the sofa and cried my eyes out. A week later, I had a big game coming up. I went to every practice. It took my mind off things and I even went to the gym to workout. My favorite thing to do in the gym is boxing. I put on my boxing gloves and punch the punch bag. It helps get my anger out and under control. I do that for an hour then I leave the gym to go home. When I get home I shower and change my clothes. I call my girlfriend and ask her if she'll be at the game.

"Hey Alisha."

"Hey baby."

"Are you coming to my game?"

"I would love to come but I have to work tonight." 

"Will you come over after work to celebrate my win?"

"Of course, baby. I'll be there."

"I love you, Alisha."

"I love you, too."

The next day me and my crew Terez, Kai, Jennifer and Carter were geared up for the game. We were hyped up and ready to win. By the end of the fourth quarter, we needed a three to win. We were already tied up against the other team. Terez had the ball. She passed it to Carter and Carter passed it to Jennifer and Jennifer passed it to me. Time was running out and I took a deep breath and released the ball into the air. Everyone was watching the ball going into the net. It was like it was in slow motion. Then the buzzer went off and the ball went into the net. I jumped for joy and screamed out "Yes! I did it! We won!  My teammates picked me up and carried me and cheering me on for the win. Once the game ended we went to the locker room and the girls could not stop talking about the winning shot. I took a shower and changed into some clean clothes. I used some coconut oil and rubbed it in my hair and brushed it. My waves were on point. I splashed on some cologne and then I went out with my crew to get a couple of drinks. It was cold outside and I put on my hoodie and my knitted cap. I got into my car and we went to the bar. When we got there we ordered some beer and some shots. We played pool. I left the bar around midnight. I went to get something to eat and headed back home. When I got home I expected to see Alisha's car there but it wasn't. She's usually home from work by then. I went inside and kicked off my shoes. I took off my hoodie and and hat. I turned on the t.v. and ate my food. Two hours later, I fell asleep in front of the t.v. I woke up the next morning. 

It was Saturday morning and when I woke up the clock read 9:00 a.m. Still no sign of Alisha. I called this morning no answer. I figured she's probably still asleep. So I got dressed and I took the ring box out from the drawer that I had been saving for the past three months. I was in a good mood today. I was going to propose to the woman I love. So I decided to go over to her place and take her out for breakfast then after breakfast, I was going to propose to her. That was the plan. I got into my car and drove to Alisha's house. Her car was parked in her driveway and there was a car I never seen before. So I parked in front of her house and got out. I knocked on the door and a woman answered. 

"Can I help you?" answered the woman.

"Who are you? Is my girlfriend Alisha here?" I said

"Girlfriend?! Alisha?!"  answered the woman

"Uh... Baby, what are you doing here?" said Alisha 

"Who is that, Alisha?" I said.

"This is Jay." she said.

"So why is she here?" I said.

"I'm her girlfriend, now." said Jay.

"You been cheating on me with this bitch?! Girl, you better answer me!" I said.

"Yes." she said

"For how long?!" I asked.

"Two months." she said

"Two months?! You cheated on me for two months?! I thought you loved me!" I screamed.

"I'm sorry, J.J." she cried.

"You're sorry?! Oh you're sorry alright. You are one sorry-ass bitch! You and I are through! Don't call me. Don't text me and Don't come by my house no more! I don't ever want to see you again!" I screamed.

Then Jay pushed me and I pushed her back. We got to tusslin back and forth. I got punched in the face and I kicked Jay in her side once I had her on the ground. We were fighting back and Alisha was screaming for us to stop. The neighbor next door saw us and called the police. We both ended up getting arrested but we didn't press charges against each other because if the school finds out about the situation, we could get kicked out of school and the team. So the police let us go. I left Alisha's house and got into my car. Tears rolled down my eyes and I was so mad. I turned the on radio and this song was playing by Yo Gotti ft Lil Wayne. It was called Women lie, Men lie. I couldn't help but sing along. 


Women Lie, Men Lie
Women Lie, Men Lie
Women Lie, Men Lie
The numbers don't lie

[Yo Gotti:]
Ay, step up in the party and them bad b-tches be on me,
I be sippin on Patrone, when I'm jumpin out ferraris,
I be rocking Gucci sometimes Louie, I'm retarded,
3 oh 5 chevy, and the shades by Bacaray
Hatin on my scrap I got my mind on my money,
Milan on, taking nothing from me,
Hated on these, hated on these.,

Ballin is my hobby, damn homie going shoppin,
Got 5 star with me a milli in the lobby,
Took her to the room, she hit me with that line,
She ain't that type of girl so I told her stop lying,


*What did you guys think of this chapter, huh? J.J. is still hurt by her dad's actions and then a week after her big game, she finds out her girlfriend is cheating on her with another woman. She really needs her friends to help her in her time of need. I wonder what happens next. That's for me to know and for you guys to find out in the next chapter that will be posted next week. Please remember to vote and comment below.*

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