Chapter 5

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After a few more weeks, the lovers were still meeting up to fly together. They had a plan to meet on the island that they first met on since it was between Berk and the Dragon Sanctuary. Hiccup and Astrid would leave after everyone had gone to sleep. They would fly, hang out, talk, and of course... kiss. They stayed together until the moon was heading downwards did they head back to their homes.

This was their daily ritual, and nothing would disturb it. Not until one day did some people get curious.

One night in the Dragon Sanctuary, Hiccup was leaving on his daily night flight to meet up with Astrid. He thought that everyone was asleep. Hiccup crept quietly around his family towards the tunnels. He did not notice that when he had left that Camicazi had opened one of her eyes. She watched as he left before sitting up with her dragon, who raised his head as well, to look in the direction that Hiccup had gone.

Camicazi knew something was up. Unlike the adult who shrugged it off, Camicazi had her suspicions. Erien did too but they didn't know how to get it out of Hiccup. The boy would always wake up late but that wasn't the issue. No, it felt like he was becoming lazier or too tired. One day, Hiccup was supposed to go out food hunting but before he and Toothless had even left, they were sleeping on the side of the ice wall at the entrance of the tunnel.

Camicazi started assuming that Hiccup and Toothless were doing something at night to prevent them from sleeping. Her suspicions were only proven right when one night she had to get up to use the bathroom when she saw Hiccup and Toothless leave out the tunnel.

Thinking it was a dream at first, it was only till tonight that she saw Hiccup sneak past them that she knew that he was leaving at night. To what, she had no idea. But when Camicazi didn't know something, she was determined to find out.


The same thing went for Astrid. Each of the young Vikings has different experiences with Astrid suspicious actives.

Snotlout found out early one morning and decided to look outside his window when he thought he heard something. It was still dark out but Snotlout defiantly saw a human figure move about the village. When he saw the figure entering Astrid's home did he release who the figure was.

Fishlegs was suspicious when he and Meatlug were taking their morning stroll around the village did they happen to come by Astrid. She looked awfully tired and looked like she was trying to keep her eyes open. When Fishlegs saw her stop in the middle of the road, did he become curious by her sudden action. He then suddenly heard shouts as he looked up to see barrels rolling down from the hill.

Prettified, he looked from the barrels to Astrid as they came towards her. Fishlegs yelled at her to "RUN" but she just stood there. Fishlegs was able to get there in time to push her out of the way as the barrels missed both of them. Gasping for air, Fishlegs turned to Astrid saying "Are you okay?"

She looked at him before nodding that she was fine. She looked at the direction the barrels went before she got up. Fishlegs then realized that Astrid did not realize she had in danger or that Fishlegs had yelled at her. He guessed she must have fell asleep standing up. But the question to him was why....

The twin found out when one night when they were forced to fix up silent Spefen's field after breaking a few things. It took them all day to get it done, because they were not allowed to use their dragon as punishment, they were walking back home in the middle of the night. That was when they saw someone moving about. The twins knew that it couldn't be night patrol so they hid behind one of the buildings. They watched and could not believe their eyes.

They saw Astrid climb onto the back of her Nadder and then looked around before they took off. First the twins thought it was a night patrol thing that nobody want them to do, but after a few days of seeing her leave and not patrol the village, did they have second thoughts.

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