Chapter 1

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Fire was blasted as the field of battle roared through the harsh island that was surrounded by cold glaciers. Vikings were battling it out with their mythological enemy known as the Dragon Riders. The Vikings had come to this island years ago to capture and ensnare dragons. They were led by the most viscous hunter of the Viking world.

He was an older man, age ranging in the thirties to forties. No one dare asked for fear of getting a dagger to the heart. Even with his one eye, the other badly scarred that Eret hid under a leather eye-patch, he was still quick as lighting. Scaled chainmail, along with talons and teeth from the dragons he had taken down. Trophies they were, but these dragons needed to be caught alive for his employer. More of a master in other men's eyes.

Drago Bludvist. Known for being a madman, for stories say that Drago took down a whole armada with his bare hands. The man was calm but cruel as he knew every man's weakness. Anyone who went up against this man were faced with horrible Viking tortures that no man should ever be in.

That's why no one went up against Drago. That's why Eret is forced to fight against these dragon riders. The Dragon Riders were tricky and were winning this fight. Eret watched as one of the dragon riders jumped off the thin white hairy dragon onto one of his traps.

It moved quickly down the trap as it began to dismantle it. Eret yelled at a group of soldiers to go after it before it let out the dragons inside.

The soldiers quickly got to the trap and came face to face with the dragon rider. Its body was thin and lanky. Bands of dirty bandages were wrapped around its arms and legs. It wore dark brown pants with what looked to be a pinkish-grey dress like shirt. It had armor on its shoulders and a long band across its chest that held tools and daggers. Its face was covered by a horrid mask that had a white face, red ruby eyes, and spikes that came out of the sides of it. The mask had dirty, matted blonder hair coming out the back of it. With the dragon rider's figure you would guess it was female.

The female dragon rider took out one of her daggers. Ready to fight the men if they dare touch her. The soldiers brought up their spears and axes and pointed them at the female. As the men got closer, all of the sudden a roar was heard. The men looked up to see a glowing Monstrous Nightmare. It too had a rider on it with a blue mask.

The horns and wings from Monstrous Nightmare began to glow brightly. The Vikings had no choice but to shield their eyes from the bright light. While the soldiers were busy, the female went back to undoing the trap. The metal dome opened up allowing one of the dragons to escape. The other dragon, known as a Gronkle, was still stuck in a large rope net. The female jumped into the trap and started to cut the ropes.

Once all the ropes were cut, the female climbed onto the Gronkle's back as it flew into the sky. High up in the sky, she jumped off the Gronkle's back and onto her white fur dragon. Swiftly they flew into the sky as they went off to help out the others.

Eret gritted his teeth at the loss of two wild dragons. He saw no choice but to collect the other dragons he had and get his men out of here. Yelling at his men to tell the other Vikings to retreat, they headed for the boats.

Once the shouts were heard, the men ran back to the boats as fast as they could. The heat of the fires blasting behind them. Some of the men on the boats were trying to pull the beasts into their cages. It wasn't until a screeching, sound barrier sound was heard did the men grow more alarmed.

One of the men shouted "Night Fury!" And everyone ducked and covered for after the sound came a huge blast. One of the boats lit on fire as the cages that held the dragons fell apart. Dragons flew off the boat and headed for land.

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