Whats this?

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(Maya's POV)
I woke up and went into the living room. I live in a flat in Florida where I'm an art teacher but I really miss New York. Then I hear footsteps coming from the bedroom.
M- good morning huckleberry
L- morning Maya
M- how was ur sleep
L- fine thanks. What's for breakfast
M- pancakes
L- my favourite
M- I know
Lucas went out the flat and down to the mail room to see if we had any mail. Once he walked back up he could smell the delicious pancakes. Once he sat at the table and went through the mail he found an invitation.
L- I and u have an invitations to something
M- lets see
As Maya opened it a surprised look went across her face
L- what is it ?
M- it's an invitation to farkle minkus and ...
L- farkle minkus and ...
M - Riley Matthews engagement party
L- wow
M- we can't go
L- why ?
M- because I'm dating my best friends ex boyfriend and remember we had a rule no dating each other's exes
L- that was when u guys were younger
M- still I haven't seen her since high school it will be weird
L - Maya we are going u are Maya hart one of the most confident people I know
M- fine but in sticking with u the whole night
L- remember when we first met here in Florida
M- yeah

Let's rewind 4 years
It had been 1 year since high school ended and Riley was attending NYU. I didn't go to university because I wanted to focus on my art but then I got a scholarship at an art school in Florida where Lucas was attending college. I told Riley the week before she was devastated but wanted me to take it for my future. I haven't talked to her since the day I left. After living in Florida for a month I saw a familiar face at a cafe.
M- wow ranger rick I never though I would see u again
L- Maya
M- the one and only
L- Oh my gosh how are you
M- good I go to school here now
We talked that whole afternoon until Lucas had to go to work. We met up a lot after and then kinda fell in love but I never told Riley because I thought she would be mad.

Back to now
L- when is the party
M- next week
L- well I guess we are going to New York next week
M- I'll ask my mum if we can stay with her and Shawn
L- are you sure Shawn still likes me since we announced we are dating
M- yes
L- because I've only seen him once since we told him we were a thing and he just ignored me
M- he's Shawn I'm sure it's nothing
L- I hope so

*on the Phone to Katy*
M- hi mum
K- hi sweetie
M- is it ok if me and Lucas come stay with you next week
K- sure and why
M- we got invited to Riley and farkle a engagement party
K- seriously
M- yes
K- well that's fine and tell Lucas I say hi
M- I will, bye
K- bye
*ends phone call*

M- my mum says hi
This is future me and I really had know clue where i was going with this 😂

Girl meets futureTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang