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We ran into the backyard, past the house and right into the woods. We crossed the river, quickly and carefully and went to the clearing where our kingdom stood.

"Hello Kingdom Ibaleterm!!!!!!!!!! Is your rulers have returned!" Melody said smiling and turning around in circles. Her boots crushed the snow under her feet and her hair blew in all places like the wind.

"Let's get working." Melody said. We pulled out some plywood we had found earlier and started on our castle. We decided to make it in a huge tree.

"So we can see our whole kingdom." Melody said. We worked on our castle in the trees all day. We took hammers and nails from the shed and used those.


We did as we hit the nails. We finished the floor in a few hours. We had bailed them all to the tree.

"There are special nails we will have to use to put the tree. I have them inside, so we'll just do it tomorrow." Melody said. "This will be fine for today." She added. We put up walls. About a foot taller than us. Around six feet we made the walls. We had finished the north wall, when we decided we should go inside.

The sun was already starting to set. Our cheeks weren't pink, they were red. Our gloves were soaked too. Our jeans were no better.

We walked towards the house. Our boots crunching beneath our feet. Alice was outside standing on the back porch. Her arms around her.

"I was getting worried, you both missed dinner." Alice said.

"Sorry." Melody said. "We were just playing in the snow."

"Just come back earlier next time." Alice said.

"We will." Melody said. Alice heated up some mashed potatoes and cut some vegetables for us. We ate quickly.

Melody got a book, The Lightning Thief and we went to the living room. Melody started reading aloud. I took a notebook and started doodling how I thought the characters looked by what Melody was reading.  

"What are you guys doing?" Jazzy asked as she walked into the room.

"I'm reading and Kyle is drawing." Melody said.

"Ok." Jazzy said. She went and got a doll and started playing with the doll on the couch.

Melody continued reading. Jazzy fell asleep next to me minutes later. Her head fell on my notebook. I put my notebook to the side. Jazzy didn't move. She started asleep on my lap. Melody read on and I watched the crackling fire in the fire place as I listened to the book that had gotten my through my whole middle school life.


Author's Note

So.... Did you like it????????? This one was a little longer. Not as long as I would have liked it, but I thought it was a good place to end.

Is anything confusing in the story? If so, let me know so it won't be confusing and I can fix it.

Also, if you find any spelling/grammar mistakes that bother you, feel free to correct them. I don't mind, it actually makes my life easier. I'll go correct them if you tell me. Thanks!!


Q: Where do you live?

Word Count: 543

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