Pain and Happiness

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Never Mind. I'm doomed. Heavy footsteps came down the hallway. I pushed myself to the back of the bed, all the way to the wall. It still wasn't far enough. I sunk lower in the bed. Someone tried the handle of the door. It was locked. Oh, please don't come in. A kick came and the door blasted to little pieces flying everywhere. I covered my eyes.

"WHAT IS THIS BOY!" He screamed. I sunk lower into the bed, wishing I could just disappear. His hand fired across my head I fell to the floor. Black dots started forming in my vision. My head was boiling. I put my fingers to one section of my head that was hurting the most. My fingers were topped in blood. Full of blood. Something hard fell on me. A crack sound came from my arm. He was still yelling in the background, but I wasn't hearing as much anymore. I didn't remember anything from there.

I felt someone pick me up.

I was in someone's lap. I think in a car.

The next moment I was on a bed on wheels.

Then. Blackness finally took over and I remembered no more.


I woke up. I opened my eyes each one at a time, afraid that I would get hurt. I was in a room filled with white. Everything was white. Everything was plain.

My head had something wrapped around it. My arm was in a cast. What happened? I turned around and saw Alice. Everything was going to be ok. Everything was fine. Alice looked up.

"Kyle!" She said happily. She jumped up and hugged me. Making my arm hurt crazy, but I couldn't have less. I looked at her, my eyes in question.

"What happened?" She asked. I shook my head yes, making me feel dizzy.

"It was all Patrick. After he knocked down the door, he hit your head. You fell down on a stub. They say that if you would have hit it just a bit harder, your head would have cracked open. After that he took a metal baseball bat and slammed it on you. He like sprained your arm. I walked in. I didn't know what had happened, but I took you to the hospital. Mom came in later. She kept saying it was an accident. That he did it by mistake. Then she insisted that it was your fault that you hadn't gotten on the bus faster to stay with Nicky." Alice said. "I can't believe it. It's come to the point that Mom likes her new family better than us." It was the hard truth. I pointed to a notebook and a pencil on the table. Alice handed it to me. Then I started writing.

I don't want to go back. I'm scared to go back.

I handed it to Alice. Her eyes threatened to let tears fall.

"I know Kyle." She said. "That's why I'm switching collages. In Michigan. I found a little house there too. I'm taking you with me." My eyes lit up. I couldn't be happier. Moving states and moving schools. This was the best news that I've ever gotten.

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