(Y/n) look at the Green-eyed male. " B-But! "

" I'm fine , don't worry " Adrien say.

" Uh, but? Can we just go? " (Y/n) Huff, giving up.

" Already? " Adrien asks. " It's too early "

" Yeah. . . Don't be such a K J ( Kill Joy )" I pout.

She sighs and cross her arms. " Fine.But if something bad happens " She pause. " Then it happens "

" Okay? "

We all start walking at a random direction while talking to each other, which was no big deal.

" Alya and Nino left " I inform - out of the blue.

" Without saying A goodbye?! " Marinette pouts. We look at her making her blush and let out a 'Sorry'

" In a hurry? " Adrien asks. I nod my head.

" But . . . " I trail off.

" Isn't Marinette with you? " (Y/n) say.

I look at her and she look at me. " I was going to say that " I pout.

" But I was in the bathroom and you didn't told me they left. So I thought they went out to buy some food or something " Marinette informs.

" Now that was something " Adrien states.

We all nod our head , slowly. " Okay? But anyways " I smile. " Before we all go. Why Not hang around a bit "

" I think that's why we came here? " My twin raise a brow.

" I know that "

" But what are we gonna do? " Adrien asks.

" Lets , umm " (Y/n) taps her chin.

"Lets go walk around and find a perfect spot for the sunset " I offer.

" THATS A GREAT IDEA! " The (H/c)-haired girl blurt out.She clears her throat and look at the side. " Thats a great idea " She repeats.

I chuckle and start to walk.

" Hey! Don't leave us! " (Y/n) Shouts while the 3 of them follows.

-- (Y/n)'s POV --
« Time Skip »

" How about that one? " I point at the little hilltop.

" That's never there. . . ? " Adrien states, unsure.

" Yeah " Marinette agrees.

" What? How can you not see tha-? Oh never mind " I sigh.

" Lets sit down at the Railings! " Nash cheers while grabbing Marinette's hand. " Come on Marinette! " He smiles making The blue-like-haired girl to blush at his grasp. She nod her head then the both of them ran.

" I think someone is in love " Adrien chuckles.

" I agree. But is it Marinette or . . . Nash? "

We both laugh and shake his head. " Both of them "

" Hmm.She's very lucky " I smile while the both of us lean at the railings.

" Why is that? "

" Nash. . . Never really been 'In love' before - Actually the both of us hasn't "

" You've never like someone? " He asks looking down at the ground a bit  and shaking his head a little.

" Nope" I pop the 'p' .

" Really?! "

" Nu-uh" I shake my head. " But it would be great if I feel it. How about you? "

" I actually don't know " He smiles.

" But " I start making Adrien look at me. " I met someone . . . Someone special "

" And who's this someone? " He asks.

I sigh and let out a sheepish smile. " I might've forgot his name "

" Really? " He says sarcastically.

" Yeah. . ." I play with my hands.

" But you said you haven't fell in love? "

" I did  . . . But I forgot how it felt like " I look up at the sky. " We made a promise; That whatever happens , we should remember each other. "

" But you forgot his name "

" His name,but not the memories " I look at him at the side of my eyes.

( Flackback/Backstory will be out after a few chapters)

" I have someone special too " Adrien smiles. " And the both of us made a promise like you do. The same promise "

" Huh " I chuckle, looking forth. "We have a lot a like "

" Yeah. . .We have a lot in common "

' Though . . . I don't want to tell him about the key that holds the promise'

" You okay? " I snap out of my thought and look at Adrien while nodding my head.

" Just some thoughts " 

" Hey (Y/n)? " Adrien look at me.

" Hmm? " I hum and look ahead.


(~>__<~) I just want to make something different and speaking of different , I will make my own villains , if they are any fighting. . .
(_∩)  I mean this is a romance book. . .

But don't worry I'll add some action to it too.

♦♥~ Unicorn Queen💖

✔️My Purr-Fect Key ⇝ Adrien/Chat Noir x Reader Where stories live. Discover now