Chapter 7

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A/N: Sorry this is a little late, but I'm posting it  on Sunday like I promised.

CHRISTMAS IS IN 3 DAYS ASDFGHJHL. I'm really excited for Christmas but I'm sad because I don't want Matt Smith to leave Doctor Who and I don't want to end this story. I've started to get really attached to this story, so maybe I'll make a sequel that will be after the holidays. 

Some friends came over and we're watching Love Actually (great movie if you haven't seen it) and I'm just here writing fanfic on my laptop. I have social skills. Giving all my lovely readers an update on time is more important. 

John's P.O.V.

What do I get for Sherlock? He said to get something with bees, but there could be a lot of things with bees. Or there could be nothing with bees. I could look in every store and not find anything with bees. 

After an hour of searching, I give up and head back to the flat. I still have enough time to order something online and get it here with overnight shipping. It will be easier to find something and there will be more to choose from.

"I'm home, Sherlock."

"I know."

"Right. Did you get everything moved into my old room?"

"Of course."

"Good. We can start getting the rest of the equipment that you still want."

"I'll call Mycroft and have them purchased and sent over."

"Would you want any of that for Christmas? I haven't been having a lot of luck with the bees. I'm not giving up on the bees though."

"Oh John, don't make me choose. Bees and cases are some of my favorite things. Cases involve experiments, so they're my favorite too."

"Hmm. Maybe there's a way to combine them."


"Yes, Sherlock?"

"You're my favorite."


"For once in my life, I've found someone who comes before my work."

"I love you too, Sherlock."

I pull Sherlock in for a quick kiss. Christmas is in a few days. I need to find something with bees. Ideally lab equipment and bees put together. That's it. I'll find a way to combine bees and experiments. 

There's still so much to do before Christmas. I still need to get food for when Greg and Molly and Mrs. Hudson are over for Christmas Eve. I need to tidy a bit. I should do that the day before though. Knowing Sherlock, if I cleaned now it would just go back to looking like a bomb went off before Tuesday night. God, am I always this domestic?



"I'm going out again. I need to get food for Christmas Eve."

Sherlock doesn't bother looking away from the spot on the ceiling he's staring at intently. I start heading to the shop down the street. It's not big, but it has all the things I need to get. 

"Cheese. Crackers. Maybe a sliced ham. What else?"

I wander through the shop and look for everything on my list. What should I get for drinks? A nice bottle of wine? I should get more napkins, too. I really hate trying to organize things. If we had more friends to invite, I would give up on entertaining. 

Am I the feminine one in the relationship? There's usually a partner that's more feminine than the other in gay relationships, right? I honestly don't know. Sherlock's the one who spends more time focusing on his hair and the way he dresses. I just do all the things around the house because if I didn't they would never get done. Maybe I'm not the more feminine one. I still have no idea what to expect from this relationship. It's completely unlike any other relationship I've had in the past. One, it's with another man and two, its with Sherlock. That's the biggest mystery to me. 

I buy all the groceries and head back to the flat. I should think about what to get Sherlock for Christmas. If I buy something online, I'll have to make sure to delete my history because I know he'll try to see what I got him. Why is this so hard?

I've got it! I immediately turn around and go to buy something else. I got the greatest idea for what to give Sherlock for Christmas. 

Sorry this chapter was a little shorter. I don't know what else to write before the last chapter. The next chapter will probably be significantly longer than the rest. I still think it would be fun writing a sequel to this, so if any of you would like to read one leave a comment. 

 I hope you aren't having too crazy of a time before Christmas. I hope everyone's families are driving them too insane (mine are coming in tomorrow and things are going to be stressful). 

The last chapter will be up on Christmas Eve. I don't know what time I'll post it, though. If it's up really late, then you will have a nice chapter to wake up to on Christmas morning. 

I love all of you who are reading this. I never really expected to get this many reads on this story and it's very exciting. 


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