Chapter 4

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A/N: A few more days until I'll have a lot of time to update. Finals are coming up and I'm not ready. I'm sort of freaking out. So here's some Johnlock fluff (and happy feels). I'm going to try really hard to make this go on through Christmas because I don't want it to be really short.

Lots of love from myself and the dog that is laying on my legs while I write this.

Vote and comment! I always want to know what you guys think! ~Grace

Sherlock's P.O.V.


I can't do this. I can't. I can't risk what I have with John. I'm so stupid. Why did I ever think this was going to work? I never have feelings and that all changed. I don't know what I'm doing. Why did I think that I was ready to do this? John is straight. He'll never want to talk to me again. He'll think I'm a freak and want to move out. I can't risk what I have with my only friend.

I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't.


I'm pulled back to reality by a caring touch on the shoulder. John. My John.

No. Not my John.

Not yet.

I feel my heart start to beat faster. It's time to just come out and say it...

"John, that gift... Was really because..."

I can't put how I feel about him into words. I search through the entirety of my vocabulary for a word to describe it and nothing fits.

"Sherlock? What's going on?"

It's time. I can't wait any longer. I lean in and our lips barely meet.

I quickly scan John's face before turning to hide my own. What did I just do? I ruined it. I get up to go lock myself in my room and a hand catches mine.


"Just leave me alone. I know what you're going to say. I know it was stupid of me and I should never have done it."

"I wasn't going to say that at all. Truth is, I've been secretly hoping that would happen for a long time now..."

I spin around to face John. He'd wanted my to kiss him? Does that mean... these feelings are mutual?

"Ever since you came back with that gift, I've hoped that it meant something more than an apology. I wanted to bring it up so many times but we've been so busy on cases. Lousy excuse, I know. Honestly, I was too scared to ask you about it because I thought it was impossible for you to ever have feelings for me..."

I feel a huge grin start to creep onto my face.

"Does that mean I can kiss you again?"

John grabbed my shirt and pulled me in for another kiss. This time was a real kiss. As soon as our lips met, all the thoughts screaming in my head went silent. All I could think of was John. My John.

The kiss started out gentle and loving, but soon deepens into a passionate kiss. I could feel John's tongue tracing my lower lip. I part my lips slightly, allowing John entry.

After that, the entire thing became a struggle for dominance. I felt John's hands bury themselves deep into my chocolate curls. I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him as close as I possibly can. Our lips part and I immediately want more.


I desperately look for answers in John's face.

"Are you sure about this, Sherlock?"

"Yes, John. I've never been more sure about anything."

"So what does this make us now?"

I hadn't thought of that. What did I want John to be? Boyfriend? Lover? Partner? I'm new to all of this so none of those have much meaning.

"Exactly what we were before, but better."

"Alright. It's getting late."

"Stay with me, John."

"Of course. I'm guessing I won't be needing my own room much from now on."

"No you will not..."

There. No more painful anticipation. The next few chapters will contain lots of cute domestic Johnlock stuff. Maybe a case or two. It will be good and I won't torture you guys anymore.

I'll probably update Wednesday. You can hold me to that and demand my head if I don't deliver. I'm not sure where I'm taking this from here, but I will try to make it not suck. See you lovelies next time.

A Very Merry Johnlock ChristmasWhere stories live. Discover now