Chapter 3

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A/N: I read "Alone on the Water" and now I need to write fluff before I cry myself to death. I'm seriously not okay right now. I'm hysterical over fanfiction. I would recommend it because it's well written and good, but I don't want to because you might want to curl up and die. I wouldn't wish these feels upon my greatest enemy.

Anywho. Just bear with me for the next week or so because I don't know how much I'll be able to update since I'll be busy. I haven't died if you guys don't hear from me, I'm just studying. I hope you guys like this chapter (building some more of John and Sherlock's relationship; more slightly angsty, "just tell him already" feels).

I love all of you who are reading this. Vote, comment, follow; show me some love (the more love I get, the more motivated I'll be to update sooner). ~Grace

3rd person (ooh different)

John rushed around the flat trying to clean up another one of Sherlock's messes. This consisted of picking up broken glass from a beaker that was thrown against the wall and cleaning blood from assorted human bits out of the vegetable drawer of the fridge. One of the most annoying things about Sherlock is definitely the messes he makes.

John doesn't completely hate it though. Sure, he would prefer their fridge be full of edible, safe food instead of fingers and the occasional head, but it doesn't make the perks of living with Sherlock any less great. John loves all of the deductions and when Sherlock figures out things that would be impossible for everyone else. He loves Sherlock's violin playing; even at 3 in the morning because it's always beautiful and the only time Sherlock outwardly expresses his true emotions.

He hasn't brought up the gift since that night. They've been too busy working on cases for John to have a real conversation with Sherlock. Even if they had a chance, what would he say? "Turns out I'm not actually straight because I have feelings for you"? There wasn't a way he could say it without risking their friendship.

{John's thoughts} How could I possibly tell him? He doesn't have feelings for me in return. Sherlock is never genuinely interested in anyone other than himself and the occasional puzzling murder victim. Besides, he said the gift was to make up for last Christmas. It's probably just an apology that doesn't require conversation, not something given out of sentiment. I should just forget it. I am not in love runt Sherlock Holmes and he does not love me back. End of story.


Sherlock sat in his chair in their sitting room waiting for John to get back. He'd lost track of how long John had been off doing other things. He still wanted some tea.

"John? Have you made tea yet?"

"When did you ask for tea? I've been out for the past two hours. You really do go on talking when I'm gone."

"Right. The tea, John?"

"Give me a minute. I still have to put the milk away because we were out of it again."

Sherlock went back to his previous position. Typical Sherlock with his hands together under his chin in thought. John still hasn't brought up the gift yet and he doesn't know if it's a good or bad thing.

John walks back into the room with two cups of tea.



I'm so evil mwa ha ha. I decided to end this chapter here and save the big heart to heart for the next chapter.

Sorry this chapter was short.

On another note, I've considered posting some other things I've written on here that aren't Johnlock. Would you guys be interested in reading it?

I'll keep updating this fic as much as I can. I might not update until the weekend though (oh no). But don't think this is over yet because it's definitely not.

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