"Thank you." She said and I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the house and locked the door. I opened her car door  for her and when she
Got completely  in I leaned  down and quickly pecked her cheek. I shut her door and walked around to my side and got in. On our way to the hospital we stopped and grabbed  fome food and I orders some stuff for Brynn. As soon as we got to the hospital I went to check in anf Lauren followed me for a second and leaned against the  wall outside of my professors office. I walked back out and straight over to her anf pulled her to me by her hips.

"I love you." I told her and she laughed and  looked down.

"Well, you have said that a few times today, maybe if you  say it a few more times I might believe it." She said anf I softly kissed her  and she smiled into the kiss.

"I love you, I love you, i love you. " I said and she chuckled.

"I love you too." She said and I heard someone clear their throats anf I pulled away from Lauren and  turned around.

"We're getting started." My professor said and and I nodded and turned  back to Lauren.

"I'll see you in my brake." I said and i kissed the  side of her head and gave her my phone. She waived goodbye and  I walked around the corner  to the Ray room.

Laurens pov.

As Camila left I smiled like a idiot and leaned against the wall.

"This girl is going to kill me." I mumbled and i walked down the hall to the elevators and took them up to the 9th floor to Brynns room. I softly knocked in the door and peeked in and seen the small girl asleep on the bed. I smiled and walked over to the chair beside of her bed and say down. I looked up and seen she had fluids running to her along with some other stuff. I reached over and pushed wine hair out of her face and she moved some and wrinkled her nose.

"Mommy?" She asked and she opened her eyes with a smile on her face bit it soon faided when she seen me.

"Lauren?" She asked and I scooted my hair closer and rubbed her head.

"Hey pretty girl." I said and she rolled  on her side towards me and held my hand.

"You think im pretty?" She asked and I nodded my head.

"I do." I told her and she yawned and rubbed her eyes.

"Are you still tired?" I asked and she nodded her head and closed her brown eyes.

"Yeah, but will you stay here and lay with me?" She asked and I nodded my head and she scooted over and I climbed in the bed with her after I took off my shoes.  She cuddled into my arms and rested her head on my shoulder.

"My mommy use to  hold me sometimes." She said and I sighed and rubbed her shoulder.

"That's what mommies are suppose  to  do to their babies." I told her and she smiled at me.

"Do you think someone will love me like my mommy did?" She asked and  I kissed her head and wiggled around.

"I do, and I believe no matter where you go after your better you will have a wonderful mom." I told  her and held in to my arm tighter.

"Thank you." She said and I hummed and closed my eyes.

"Take a nap babe." I told her and after a while unheard some soft snores coming from her mouth. I kissed the top of her head an watched the brown headed girl sleep. I can't wait to bring her home with us.

- - -

"God my feet hurt." Camil a complained as she tossed the  car keys on the table amd walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water.
I grabbed Eathens hand anf I pulled him upstairs to his bedroom and  undressed him from his normal clothes.

Hidden Life (Camren) #wattys2017 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now