Purpureus: Vilola Eway [@Panem_]

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Name: Vilola Eway

Age: 13

Sex: Female

Sector: Purpureus

Status: Former daytime struggling student skilled in the art of daydreaming, current nighttime struggling artist skilled in the art of stealth.

Appearance: Vilola can be described as looking both young and old, childish and mature. Still growing, her face holds a certain amount of purity that all small children do, yet its angles are beginning to appear as her face thins out. Pale as snow, she is unblemished; though she often neglects her appearance, that youthful beauty remains. Mahogany hair tumbles in careless, casual curls to just above the middle of her back, hastily combed, and vivid green eyes give her an accent of eccentricity. Her lips wide and a classic rose red; her eyebrows are thin, lighter than her hair color. She stands at 4'10"- just short enough to make her seem younger than she truly is- but that doesn't really matter to Vilola. Hey, sometimes seeming younger gets her out of stuff.

Personality: Vilola is daring- sometimes daring to the point where she seems foolish for even attempting such actions. There are few risks she won't take in order to achieve something. As she sees it, it's a matter of courage, not of recklessness. She's brave enough to defy the odds, to put her life on the line if the situation calls for it- that's true valiance, not audacity. A fan of adventure, Vilola's always looking for mischief to fuel her dauntless side, and has had much practice escaping sticky situations due to pranks and other petty crimes. She's free-spirited, often bubbly, and it's difficult to drag her down. Vibrant, determined, and skilled, little can stop Vilola- and she knows it. Her ego only inflates each time she outsmarts someone else or escapes the clutches of those who wish to harm her. In the admittedly rare cases where Vilola is reprimanded, she always seeks revenge. Being beat always results in her hidden temper flaring up, and leads to consequences for both herself and those who have committed such wrongdoings. Additionally, arguments often lead to more hostility and viciousness from Vilola than most other people- she has an extremely hard time keeping her cool. This is mainly due to her ego and inability to think anyone but she is right. In order to always be right, Vilola is often very vague with what she means or how she plans to do things when explaining to other people. This leads to a lot of confusion, but her impreciseness is commonly due to a lack of planning on her own part- simply to cover up her mistakes.

Role in Rebellion: Vilola is good for morale and recruitment. With a talent for quickly creating art protesting the Queen's rule in random, sometimes dangerous places, she is, more or less. the advertiser of the rebellion. Growing up in Purpureus has allowed her to obtain some of the artistic skills all citizens practice- however, she's never been especially detailed in her work, which does, fortunately, speed up things when creating rebellion art.

Background: Growing up under the harsh ruling of the Queen, Vilola has known little but struggle in her life and family due to such a precarious and corrupt government. It was this environment which led to her unrefined upbringing. Always getting into mischief, she began protesting her way of life early on- neglecting her academic studies, developing her artwork into styles generally frowned upon, creating music in crude, unmelodic ways. Her mother is an artist, specializing in portraits, and her father is extremely talented with the accordion. The youngest of five siblings- Clarinette, Harmonika, Piccolo, and Tenor, each born underneath the rule of the benevolent King Thomas- Vilola was the odd one out. Each of her siblings had known how life had been without the Queen fully in charge, and, naturally, Vilola caught on to their opinions. Eventually, her goal in life- as she felt she had little other purpose- became to aid the Nixes in the rebellion- in spirit of all those she left behind at home. The family currently maintains the lie that she is sick with rheumatic fever, bedridden for months at a time.

Weapon of Choice: A can of spray paint. She's found it's incredibly useful in blinding people.

Token: A thin, black strand of twice with six white beads strung on- one for each person she fights for.

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