"Fuck." I said.

I pulled it out and saw it was a sharpened toothbrush.

Creative ass niggas

He ran towards me and I took the toothbrush and stabbed it in him. I twisted the toothbrush pushing it deeper and deeper.

"Tell your cousin I said wassup." I said.

He dropped to the floor and I immediately went to look at my shoulder.

Good thing it's not that deep. Nothing a nigga like me can't fix.

I took a deep breath.

Average day in jail for a popular nigga like me.

The sound of footsteps caught my attention. I looked and saw Molly's boyfriend and the old heads. They looked at the body and then at me

"You alright son?" Her father asked.

"I'm good. Nothing I can't fix." I said.

He looked over at his friends who just nodded their head and dragged the body out.

"Lemme help you to your cell." He replied.

He walked me over and he looked at me.
"I didn't want Molly ass to get locked up. But it looks like it would be a good move to save your ass." He said.

"You think I want my girlfriend locked up. I'm trying to do everything I can to protect her but it's like it's not working." I said.

He sighed. "When Molly was born and she was around 3 I tried to protect her every chance I had. But for some reason her ass would always get in trouble. For example, during that time I had baby proof the house and made sure she could not hurt herself. One time I caught her in the room playing around with my gun. Lucky the safety was off and there were no bullets but still I thought I did everything I could. If something happens to Molly you can't blame yourself because even if you try to save her at she still ends up doing what she wants to do." He said.

I sighed and rubbed my face. "Thanks for that talk man. I really needed it." I said.

He put his hand on my shoulder. "No problem son." He replied.

He left leaving me in my cell to think.

Molly's POV.

Night was falling meaning that it was almost time to open my club. I've been running around town like a chicken without a head trying to prepare myself for this event and making sure shit was okay.

I just got done dropping off Aaron at Aiden's house to stay the night even tho he begged me to see the opening of my club.

His young ass swear he's grown at times.

I was driving to my house when my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Wassup baby. I was just calling to wish you luck on the opening of the club. I'm really proud of you." Rah said.

"Aww thanks bae. It means a lot to here that from you being that I would of never thought to here those words come out your mouth." I said.

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