"Get away from her!"

"You are their son, I assume. You're no better than them, you will come with us," the man grabbed my arm but I quickly pulled away and run back into the living room.

"Come back here!"

I grabbed my paper book and toy horse and ran to my hiding spot in my room. I hear his loud footsteps searching throughout the house. He'll never find me under the floorboards.

"You are nothing boy, just the son of thieves. Your parents will pay the price for their crime with their lives."

Then the door slams shut. I hold the horse closer, as fear ran through me. Just a few days ago father was telling me that I'm a man now yet I feel cowering into a corner like a child. I lift the loose floorboards up and kept my gifts close as I built up the courage to walk into town.

My vision stayed low as I make my way to the punishing areas. When I arrived I took a quick glance around noticing the different ways to a criminal's demise. There was a board where hands and a head are locked into place. There was a long rope swinging slightly from a wooden bar, waiting to be used as a necklace. There was a sharp blade glinting in the sunlight, ready to drop and give anything soft a good chop... My attention was brought to the stand in the middle of the square.

"Townspeople! These two are the thieves who have been stealing from you for years! They stole money, food, clothes, you name it! Not once have they earned an honest coin in their pocket! What shall their judgment be?"

Many things were shouted from the crowd.

"How about a different punishment for the both of them, eh? What do you say about the woman?"

"The noose you say? So be it! What of the man? ...To the guillotine! Let the woman hang first so he can see her suffer."

They drag her by her hair and lift her onto the chair that sits underneath the rope. My mother's face no longer held the peace and love it used to. It was now filled with fear and covered with tears. I could only imagine my face mirroring hers. My father was yelling to have mercy on her but it fell on deaf ears as they loop the necklace around her neck and kick the chair from under her feet.

Her fair complexion quickly turned from pale to an angry red. She tries to pull it off her neck. But it was all for nothing, as her movements slowed, coming to a stop.

I choke back the lump in my throat as my eyesight becomes uncontrollably blurry. I hold the paper book close, the last thing she taught me was how to write my name. She promised to teach me more.

I look toward my dad who no longer looks like the strong man he once was. The one who could carry pounds of cut logs for the fireplace to keep warm in the winter. They laid him down under the glinting blade, placing a basket beneath him. I wanted to stop them, but I know I could do nothing in my weak state. They held him in place, and just as they were about to let the blade drop, I called for him.


He quickly looks up into my eyes as the blade dropped. The men holding his now limp body. His head fell with a thump into the basket. I held my horse against my chest, he said this is my last toy entering adulthood, that he would show me what real men do.

"Good riddance!"

"Dispose of the body."

"Time to go home."

I fell to my knees, there was no home left for me. Not without them.

"Mama! Papa!" I sobbed the names I used as a child. I held my final gifts close as I cry.

"There he is! Grab the son of the thieves!"

My heart raced as I see the same men who killed my parents coming after me. I remember the words my mother had said, 'we love you, Henry, now run!' So I did.

I was fast and nimble, I ran outside the town and into Grimm Forrest. Those men wouldn't even come close to the edge. No one goes in here for the dangers that awaken at night. Anywhere is better than what awaits me in the town.

-I had spent many days and nights in Grimm Forest. I scavenged for nuts and berries. I played with my toy horse. I kept my distance from the creatures by staying high up on the trees. I never tried to leave. My clothes became dirty and worn out. The forest became my home. No one ever goes into the forest because of the savage wolves. They are huge beasts, just as tall as an average man on its hind legs! At least, I thought no one goes into Grimm forest...

Just as I had my fill of berries, I heard a pounding rhythm trailed by a clicking noise... It sounds like a carriage! I quickly climb a tree and see a horse-drawn carriage running down a dirt path. It was heading towards me. What should I do, hide? Maybe I can find a new life? I felt very alone here. Though I didn't have much time to think because the rider had spotted me.

"You there! What are you doing in Grimm forest? You're too young to be on your own, it's dangerous here!" He pulls the reins and the horses stop me.

I didn't respond, not knowing what to say.

"Thomas! What is wrong?" Someone from inside the carriage yelled as he opens the door.

"Oh... I see," he wears long lavish robes and a golden hat over his head.

"Young man, get down from the tree so we may talk appropriately." His aura was strong and powerful.

I bite my lip with nerves, but do as he says. But before going to him I grab my horse and paper book, in a strange sense they make me feel safe.

When I stand in front of him he looks me over.

"What are you doing in this forest?" He asks sternly.

Something told me to answer him or he'll be angry.

"I no longer have a home to call my own. My parents have left this world..."

His face turns into a frown, "What is your name?"

"Henry Faithful."

"I am King Jacob, and I would like to offer you a job as a servant in my castle."

"Why?" I question.

He chuckles, "Well for one your clothes remind me of a servant, and I need someone to take care of my troublesome son. You seem to know responsibility seeing as you're not a lifeless corpse inside Grimm Forest."

I didn't know what to say. Maybe this is a good opportunity to take.

"In return for your services to the Prince, you will be given food, clothes a place to sleep..."

That had my nodding my head yes in an instant.

"Good on you! Let us go, we are not too far from my kingdom!" He enters back into the carriage and I follow behind.

"Off we go, Thomas!" He shouts and the pounding rhythm begins again.

The King? I have never even seen a painting of the King before and now I will be working as a servant in his castle?

"You will be the Prince's personal servant. I will teach you the do's and don't's. What kind of orders to follow that he gives you and such. I'm sure you will do great--" he begins to ramble on and on about something or another.

I wonder what the Prince is like. I hope he is kind.

- Oh, how kind he was, let me tell you...

*Save it for another time, Henry. That is enough for one chapter.

- Of course. We wouldn't want to tell the whole story just yet.

Word Count: 1984

The Frog Prince and His Servant (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now