Chapter 4-Captured

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"Ugh," I moaned as I slung my machete back and forth, cutting through the tall, scratchy grass. "Why do I have to do this?"

"Stop whining," Ellie said forcefully, rolling her eyes. I was leading us through a meadow, attempting to find Delilah some insulin and more needles if possible. It seemed we were getting no where; there wasn't a building in sight for miles, and we had been walking for forever it seemed. "I'm sure we'll find somewhere to rest for the night. I'm sure." It sounded more like she was trying to convince herself more than us.

"We better," I muttered, hacking harder. "Otherwise I'll lose my head."

"How are you doing, Amy?" Nick called out behind me. There was something odd in his voice, almost panic if you will, and it squeaked a little at the end. But I chose to ignore it. But he could see what I could not.

"Just peachy," I said, my accent showing through clearly and a fake smile plastered, even though no one could see.

"Oh , I'm glad you are," An unknown voice said next to me. A gun cocked close to my head. I stopped mid-swing, frozen. "That'll make this a whole lot easier. Now, if you could darling, drop the knife."

It thudded to the ground as it slipped from my hand, barely missing my foot. I raised my hands in surrender. I definitely didn't want to cause trouble with this guy.

"Thanks sweetheart," I looked down a bit to see a middle aged man stoop down to pick up my weapon. I could've kneed his gut, elbow him in the back, then pull out my gun. But I couldn't risk it. Delilah was already weakening; she looked to be on death's door. I couldn't have her be hurt. Not on my watch. Speaking of Delilah... I turned my head to the side a bit. Behind me stood the three people I trusted and loved the most in the world with guns trained to their skulls and hands in the air. Oh, how the Lord's love consumes me.

"Now, don't do anything stupid or we'll have to deal with it the hard way, alright babe?" The man threatened. What was with all the pet names? He was so close I could smell the whiskey on his breath. Disgusting.

"Fuck you," I breathed out in response. I elbowed him in the face, then punched him in the stomach, sending his arms to cradle his torso. I was about to knee him in the nose when I heard a whimper from behind. Turning my head again, I caught sight of something that made my heart sink. The man that had his pistol to Delilah's head had grabbed her from behind and took his pocket knife to her throat. One of his arms was gripping her hard around the waist, the other pressed the knife so close so that if she made the slightest movement she would bleed.

"Get - your - dirty - hands - off - of - her," My teeth clenched as I quickly pulled out the gun from the holster around my waist, hidden by my flannel shirt. I trained it to his head, and turned off the safety. "Now."

"Not so fast, sweetie," The man who had been bent over grabbed me around the waist, taking away my gun and throwing it to the ground. I writhed in his arms, trying to escape. He put his arm around my neck, pointing the gun to my head. I felt the cold, circular barrel pressed hard against my temple. I stopped moving and took shallow breaths. "Now, come easy, or your sick friend gets it."

"Fine," My heart was still beating a thousand miles an hour. "Just - please don't hurt her."

"Oh, you don't have to worry about her anymore, we'll take care of her just fine," The man laughed. Shit. What am I supposed to do? "For the mean time, you can come with us."

"As long as you don't even touch a hair on their heads," I gave my friends a small smile. "I'll come willing."

"AMY!" Nick yelled, taking a step forward then stopping when the man holding me squeezed the  trigger a bit. "You don't have to do this. Please."

"I'll get you all away, I promise," I remained strong. Strong for the guy who saved my life. Strong for the girl I would get insulin for. Strong for the girl who I found broken. I would stay strong. If I had been my past self, I would've broken down. I would've cried on my knees. I would've screamed for help. But remember when I saw my parents dead on the floor? Remember how something inside me hardened? Well, it was basically my soft emotions. Then my thoughts wandered to the boy I ha met on that life altering day. What was his name again? Carl, I think? Should I be strong for him? He was pretty adorable. No, I told myself. He's probably dead, and I didn't know him long anyway.

"That's a promise you can't keep, sweetheart," The man started to drag me forward, and I kept my end of the promise and walked along obediently.

"Oh, believe me," I mumbled. "I'm intending to keep it."

author's note

sorry it's so short

and it took so long

i've been working on this new fanfiction that should be out soon

but i'll try to upload the next chapter today

if not tomorrow

if not sometime this week

or next week


i'll see you later, writers

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