Daniel's day

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"okay lads lets get going.." the pub was filled from school mates, work buddy's, brother, brother-in-law, dad, uncle. you name it they were all there! lifting their beers up and finishing them off! This is where it would begin but dans best friend isnt here.

"wow hang on fellas.. i just need to take this call" relief when her name flashed up on my screen.

"no no way Dan come on.." my brother grinned and attempted to take the phone with the sigh of everyone, yet dad just winked and distracted the boys but getting them outside was a mission.

"hello stranger.. where are you?.. your home early i thought your flight was tomorrow???........ why didnt you say i would have come and got you.... huh? yeah yeah in the pub with everyone........... seriously your kidding me you wont want to be here. 20 odd blokes getting pissed on my stag....... yeah i would have been up to get you tomorrow....... i cant believe your home early but please tell me your not going back sooner than planned? i know you Lucy too well... hahahaha..... ill get Bobby to come get you... okay well text me when your there yeah.. probably yeah.. few drunken texts... yeah Sophia she's good... i know youll become closer im sure.. shes beautiful..... okay okay... haha look i better go yeah? always you know it.. bye sweet bye.."

"bruv come on.. was that Lucy or Soph?" Bobby stood in the door way shovering his hands in his pockets. my not so little brother is taller, muscular, more attractive than me now, with his chisaled jaw line and perfect hair women fall at his feet.

"coming." glancing one last time again to the screen saver of me and Lucy as always pulling stupid poses.

"Lucy okay?" he nodded with that grin that showed he knew everything

"yeah shes home earlier than planned"

"want me to go get her?"

"huh?" shoving my phone away i pulled myself back into reality

"Lucy, do you want me to go get her for you? its a simple question and i wouldnt mind seeing how hot she is this year." With a cocky twitch of a smile his arrogance was like his ego..

"stop shes my best friend.." warning him

"cant blame me bruv shes hot... but seriously ill go get her if you want.... the fellas will love her"

"true.. but its my stag aint it and anyway i havent seen her in like 2 years....... 2 years shit has it been that long?" puzzled look said a thousand words..

"ill go get her, where is she?" flipping his keys out

"umm.. waiting for a trian at the station.."

"what kings cross?"

"yeah.. ill let her know your going?" stuttering and stumberling

"chill yeah.. ill go get her and then we all can get slaughtered.." he hugged me tightly and tapped my should before disappering

"son all okay?.. wheres bobby running off to" dad came in

"Lucy is home early... he's going to go get her."

"exerlant.. be good to see that girl.." dad paused and looked at me unsure

"been 2 years since i saw her."

"yes and shes your best friend.. come on don't look so worried son... it's Lucy! Remember the tiny little girl who followed you around like a shadow!"

"True.. I'm just going to tell her he is on his to her! I'll be in a minuet dad."

"Okay son"

*Hey, Bobby is on way to get you. look out for him. you have no choice. i havent seen you in 2 years your my best bud.. see you soon. Dan xx*


*Okay everyone now i need two teams please, blue and red. remember we need to give you a safety chat once your all suited up. all the kits are over there for you so go get changed in your teams and meet back here is five minuets. this race is due to finish so as soon as it is we will do your safety talk and then its race time.*

a younger chap stood holding a clip board is grubby overalls covered in dirt and oil.

"Dan your one team leader and who else?" Tom called out

"lukey boy is the other" dan laughed as they sorted the teams out ready to race.

"ready son to win this race." dad smiled at me as Soph's dad put his arm around my neck

"of course.... Bobbys back" staring hoping to see Lucy. she came through the entrance door, a picture perfect as always. just a little different. slimmer maybe, hair much longer clearly by how she had it tided up high. was she always that skinny. No glasses either?

"sorry brian i just need to go see Lucy."
pushed through and there she was in my reach

"cheers bruv" bobby just patted my back which i didnt feel all i wanted to do was hug her!

"hello you" she grinned straight away and just hugged so tightly

"so good to see you" the boys without realising all cheered and i could see Sophia dads look of disgust.

"you too.. look at you.." she hinted at my hair, ruffling through her finger tips

"what?" laughing

"a quilf since when do you have perfect hair" laughing at me as always her make up was falwless.

"hey.. i like it and soph likes it.. anyway no glasses?"

"thats the main thing.. Alan how are you" she dismissed me and hugged my dad but all eyes were on her now

"fellas this is Lucy .. my best friend so you know the rules" laughing and pointing at them.

"hey hey hey... look im old enough to look after myself... any of you single?" she joked to which most of them owned up to being single

"stop it... your going to stay arent you? we got a few races and we can take you home or if you want to come eat"

"ill stay... go.. go have fun while i talk to your grandad... William would you like a coffee.." offering to my grandad who held her hand while that little sparkle in his eyes

"mate since when... you never said about her" liam said loud enough for everyone to hear

"alright alright lets go race" - glacing over in the direction and they went inside.

Lucy is home and after 2 years she seems different, i seem different. i guess as we grow up we change even more so with distant between us.


"okay boys good to meet you all... William ill see you in couple days..." she plonked a kiss on my grandads cheek before my dad hugged her like a daughter he never had.

"ill catch up with you tomorrow?" Dan offered

"if your not to hung over yeah.. im going to go running in the morning so shall i text you when home?"

"running?? your kidding me" laughing

"hey... no i like running.. got to keep fit. right ill let you know when back at becky?"

"great.. good to have you home" i awkwardly hugged her.

"good to see you too.."

"bobby's waiting i should go before he gets fined or something stupid"

"okay.." she hurried off not interacvting with anyone at all.

A stolen kiss between a best friend & brother जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें