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Wedding Day

Janie's P.O.V.

I can't believe this is happening! I'm getting married! I'm officially going to be Mrs. McCarthy. This is going to be the greatest day of my life.

All my friends are here. My parents and siblings. It's just so perfect.

We booked a church and the reception is going to be at my parents' club. They were more than willing to pay for my big day. I love them so much.

"Janie, calm down. You're making me nervous and I'm already married."

"Sorry, Lace."

"It's okay."

My best friend is my maid of honor. There's no way I would have been sane enough to do this by myself. We also had help from Kynzie, Erica, and Becca. They've really done a lot for me. I could never repay them.

"Janie, do you have everything you need?"

"I think so, Kynzie. Thanks."

"No problem. You've helped a lot with my babies. I'm just trying to return the favor."

"I really do appreciate your help. All of you. There's no way I could have done this by myself."

"We're happy to help."

There's a knock on the door. "Where's my beautiful bride to be?"

"Daniel, do not come in here. If you do, so help me. I will go to jail for murder."

"I was just going to say I'll see you at the altar, baby."

"Sorry. I'm nervous."

"Me too. I love you."

"I love you too."

I hear him walk off. The door opens and my mom walks in. "My baby! You look so beautiful!"

"Thanks, Momma."

"You're welcome." She gives me a quick hug. "I want you to have this." She hands me her charm bracelet that Daddy got for her when they first got married.

"Momma, I can't take this."

"Yes you can and you will."


"Janie, just take it. You know your mom doesn't take no for an answer."

"Thank you, Lacey."

"You're welcome, Caitlyn."

My mom walks over to where my eight month pregnant best friend is sitting. She bends down to give her a hug.

"I thought I told you to call me Momma. Now, how do you feel?"


"Good. I'll let you ladies get back to whatever you were doing. I love y'all."

"Love you too, Momma." Lacey and I look at each other and start laughing. My mom leaves and Erica finishes doing my make-up while Becca does Lacey's.

Another few minutes and I'm going to be married. The butterflies in my stomach are going crazy. I didn't realize getting married was so nerve racking. It really isn't as easy as it looks. There's all these what ifs running through your head. What if I trip and fall? What if I get so nervous I can't speak? What if I get cold feet? What if he gets cold feet?

Now I'm really freaking out. Becca walks up to me and places her hands on my shoulders. "It's going to be okay. Quit thinking about all the things that could go wrong. You two love each other and that's all that matters."

Marriage Proposal from a PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now