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*Wedding Day*

Today is the day. Today I marry the love of my life. I'm super excited. It's going to be perfect. We're getting married at our spot. We agreed it'd be the perfect spot.

Janie, of course, is my maid of honor. Kaylie is the flower girl. Grayson's band mates' (Yes, he's playing with the band again. Only occasionally, though) son is the ring bearer. He's just so adorable. Kynzie, Erica, and Becca are my bridesmaids. They're the wives of Grayson's band mates.

Daniel is Grayson's best man. Charlie, Mike, and Sam are his groomsmen. They're his band mates.

Jeremy is giving me away. It only seemed right to me. He and Cynthia practically raised me.

Something borrowed, something blue. Something old, something new. I know it's cliché, but I don't care. My mom and Cynthia both did the same thing at their weddings. I feel it's only appropriate.

My something borrowed is a diamond necklace Janie lent me. It's so pretty. My something new is a pair of earrings that Grayson bought for me yesterday. He's way too sweet. My something old and something blue is a hair clip. It was my mom's. She wore it at her wedding. It really is the prettiest thing I've ever seen. Cynthia brought it to me just this morning. I broke down in tears when I saw it. I really wish my parents could be here for this special day in my life.

"Honey, it's almost time. I'm going to go sit down in my seat."

"Okay. Thank you for being here, Cynthia." I give her a big hug.

"You're welcome. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

She leaves the tent.

"Can I come in?"

"Yeah, Jeremy. You're good."

He walks in and I hear him take in a breath. "You look just like your mother. You're so beautiful. I know your parents are watching over you."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

The music starts to play. Kaylie begins walking down the aisle followed by Tommy. Kynzie is next. Then Erica who is followed by Becca. Then it's Janie's turn.

"Shall we?"


Jeremy and I begin our walk down the aisle. I look to Grayson, and I can see the tears in his eyes. I feel them start to form in my own.

"Who gives this woman to this man?"

"I do."

Jeremy kisses my cheek and places my hand in Jeremy's. The ceremony begins. Now it's time for our vows. We decided to write our own.

Grayson goes first. "Lacey, I've said it before and I'll say it again. My life is nothing without you. You're the reason I look forward to everyday. You're the first thing I see on the mornings, and the last thing before I close my eyes at night. I can never get enough of your beautiful face or your laugh. Forever is not enough time with you." Tears are running down both of our cheeks now. "I'm going to spend everyday telling you just how much you mean to me. I don't ever want to let you go. I wouldn't be able to function without you. I love you with all my heart."

I have to wipe my tears before I can start. "Grayson, I've been in love with you since I was 17. You've helped me through some pretty tough times. You're my other half. You are the reason I've found strength to do what I love. You've given me the only thing I could ever ask for. Love. You've promised to love me through everything. No matter how I difficult I can be. Now it's my turn to promise you the same." He wipes some of my tears. "I promise to stand by you no matter what. I promise to love you with every fiber of my being. I promise to love you, and only you, everyday for the rest of our lives. I'm not going anywhere. I'm yours until the end of time."

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