Chapter 17

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Lacey's P.O.V.

I'm laying in bed, again. I've been in bed everyday since Grayson broke it off with me. Only occasionally will I leave the house. I've been staying with Cynthia and Jeremy. They helped me make up the room where I stayed after my parents decided, until I moved in with Janie. Kaylie has been by my side the whole time. She's so special.

I take her everywhere with me. She's my little angel. When we see Grayson out, she'll take my hand and pull me away. There are times she'll even go as far as sticking her tongue out at him. It's so cute.

The night he broke it off with me, he texted me saying that I could stay at the house if I wanted to. No way was I doing that. There's just too many memories there. I  couldn't stay there without him. It's just be a reminder of what I lost. He even went as far as giving the ring to Daniel to give back to me. It was something about I should have it because it was mine I the first place. Or something like that. I hid it in my special jewelry box. Only Janie knows where I put it. She even has the key so I'm not tempted to get it out and put it back on.

"Lacey, you've been moping nonstop for three days. You need to get out of bed."

"I know I do, Janie. It's just so hard to go on without him."

"I understand. But you can't let this ruin you. You have a daughter now who needs you to be strong."

"I know."

Cynthia and Kaylie walk into the room. Kaylie immediately climbs on the bed and in my lap. "Morning, Mommy."

"Morning, sweetheart. Morning, Cynthia."

"Morning. Are you going to lay in bed all day? You really need to get up."

"I know I do. I just can't."

"Are your legs broke? Your arms? Your back?"


"Then don't say you can't get out of bed. If you can push yourself up, walk, and stand up straight, then you can get out of bed."

"Fine. I'm just too miserable to get up."

"Well, if you want breakfast, you'll have to get it yourself. I know you're still hurting, but I'm not going to keep babying you. You're a month and a half away from turning 22. You need to quit feeling sorry for yourself. Everybody has to experience heartbreak. It's what we do afterwards that determines who we are. You laying in bed all day says you're weak. I know you're not. You're a very strong, independent woman. It's time you start acting like it."

"I'm sorry. I know I haven't exactly been acting like an adult. I guess now is as good a time as any."

I get out of bed and decide to get dressed. Once I'm done, I leave my room and head down the stairs with everyone behind me. I'm almost to the kitchen when I hear voices. I stop right at the door way.

I hear Grayson talking to Jeremy. "Lacey, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her."

I smile at that.

"That's not going to happen."

That turns my smile into a frown.

"Why not? You're not her boss. She's 21 years old. She can do whatever the hell she wants." I love the fact that he's defending me.

By now, everyone else has come up behind me. "Lacey, what-"

I shush Janie and point towards the kitchen.

"She most certainly cannot. I promised her parents that she's marry someone with a stable job. Not someone who works part time and plays in a damn band!"

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