Where Is My Baby?

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Seven months later~

"Josh?" I yelled wondering where my fiancé was. I turned around the corner and meet an empty hallway, I huffed and turned around heading to my dad's office I knocked and opened the door and meet an empty office "Where the hell is everyone?" I closed the door and headed to the gym nothing, library nothing, kitchen nothing, dining room nothing.

After checking every room in the palace I decide to head back to my room, I opened the door and saw a trail of rose pedals leading to the door connecting to the nursery I closed the door and followed the trail I heard a shuffle and turned around and I saw my fiancé standing in the dark, close to the door "Josh what are you doing?" he laughed "I was waiting for you love, come here" I walked more like waddled to Josh my boots echoing against the floor. He spun me around "Are you ready?"

"Uh sure" I shrugged my shoulders as Josh turned on the lights I waited for my eyes to adjust as I was meet with a beautiful soft green nursery I gasped "Josh it's beautiful" I felt a tear slide down my cheek "Did you do all of this?" I pulled Josh into a side hug since I'm too big for a normal hug.

"I had a little help" he leaned towards the closet where Destruc and Kaz came out with huge smiles on their faces. I ran to them and engulfed them in a tight embrace, "Thank you so much" I pulled away and smiled I felt to strong hands on my waist "We have another surprise" Josh whispered as he placed a cloth over my eyes "Josh what are you?"

I placed my hand on the cloth trying to remove it "don't remove it just listen to me" I nodded and followed as Josh led me down many hallways I was starting to get dizzy when I felt Josh stop "I'll see you in a little bit love" he kissed my cheek before leaving me alone I heard soft whispers and felt someone place something in my hair.

I went to go reach for it but my hand was swatted away "sorry my princess but we were told not to let you interfere" a female voice I didn't recognize scolded me I let my hand fall as I felt more people touching my hair placing something on my leg and placed me in some high heels, and lastly something was faced in my hand I sniffed the item flowers, I smiled but still was very confused "are you ready princess?" Kaz asked

"Uh I guess ready for what?" I asked as the cloth was removed I froze at the scene before me a long aisle lead up to a large alter covered in white roses and lilies my eyes led me to Josh standing next to the alter in a black tuxedo with a white tie. I was confused until dad gripped my hand tightly "Ready honey?"

I tilted my head but something white covered part of my face I gripped the material between my fingers it was soft "oops almost forgot" Kaz placed the material over my face I looked around and it finally clicked "I'm getting married!" I exclaimed soft laughter echoed as Destruc pulled me closer "Yes my dear" Now I'm glad Josh convinced me to where a white maxi dress.

Destruc took the first step and guided me down the aisle, I felt my hands shaking but I felt confident knowing that Josh and I will be together forever, reaching the alter I released a breath and calmed down when Josh held my hand. I was lost in his eyes he had a small smirk on his face, "Joshua, do you take Alexandria as your wife, to love with all your heart, to care for when times are tough every day until your last?"

Josh nodded his head "I most definitely do" I smiled and tightened my grip on his hands. "Alexandria do you take Joshua as your husband, to love with all your heart, to care for when times are tough every day until your last?" I smiled "I do with my whole heart" Josh smiled "I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride" "Finally" Josh proclaimed as he pulled me closer he captured my lips in a passionate kiss. I kissed back but had to pull back when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach I gripped Josh's hand tightly "Alex, love what is wrong?"

He asked leaned close to me "I don't know I think I'm...ah!" the pain returned but was doubled "I think, I think the baby is coming!" I felt my water brake as more pain shot through me I felt Josh pick me up and carried me down the aisle "We need to get her to the doctor now!" I felt another contraction as I gripped my stomach "oh god it hurts" I gritted my teeth.

I felt a soft mattress placed under me as white lights blinded me "Josh!" I called for him "I'm here love" I looked over and saw him with a mask, gloves, and a gown on, the door opened and in came Destruc pushing in the doctor "alright princess, how are you doing?" bad idea "I'm in huge amounts of pain!" I yelled and gripped Josh's gown pulling him closer "we are never having sex again!" I gripped the bed tightly "it's part of the process princess the child will be here soon let's get you some epidural" I nodded my head and tried to ease through the pain.

Josh helped me sit up when the doctor walked over to me I felt hot searing pain run through me, I screamed at the pain "Princess, are you alright" I gripped the sheets tighter I felt something run down my legs I shook my head "Something is wrong!"

I fell back and screamed at the searing pain the doctor dropped the syringe and ran to my legs she checked "she is bleeding; nurse incubate her now" I felt a mask place over my mouth fresh oxygen tried entering my lungs I gripped Josh pulling him closer to me "Josh what is happening!" I cried afraid that something was wrong "Josh!" I called before my eyes started to drift shut "Alex, Alex! What's happening!" was the last thing I remember before everything went black.

Josh's Pov

I felt Alex's grip loosen as her eyes closed "Alex, Alex! What is happening?" I yelled at the doctor who was scrambling grabbing a bunch of different supplies "she is bleeding, we need to stop it" she began working on Alex "My king you and the prince need to leave" she commanded "No I'm not leaving her I'm not leaving my wife!"

I knelled close to Alex even though she wasn't awake I didn't want to leave her I felt myself be pulled away I looked behind me and saw one of Alex's bodyguards "get your fucking hands off me I'm not leaving her" I pulled away but was pulled back and taken out of the room.

I felt my power surge but something sharp hit my neck pulling it away I saw a syringe and felt my eyes close.

Waking up I was met with Destruc sitting in a chair with his head in his hands. Everything was coming back to me, Alex, the baby something isn't right I stood up tipping over my chair Destruc sat up facing me "Josh, please sit" I saw the sadness in his eyes and new something happened "What is going on Destruc" I hissed furious I was taken from my wife. "Josh it isn't good" I felt my throat go dry "I'm sorry Josh".

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