We're What!

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I awoke to a soft knock I rolled over and came face to face with a snoring Josh. I slowly rose and tiptoed to the door opening I came face to face with my father. I smiled softly "Good Morning how did you sleep princess?" he asked patting my head "I'm fine dad" I heard a grunt and looked back to an awakening Josh "I'll see you at breakfast I have something I want to tell you all" he soon left I closed the door and felt two arms wrap around my waist.

I leaned back enjoying being in his arms as his scent enveloped me, even after everything we have been through the smallest things he does for me makes my heart flutter.

Josh seemed to have the same idea as he began kissing up my neck paying extra attention to my mark, of course as usual my stomach breaks the moment. Josh smiled against my neck and guided me to the bathroom, he placed me counter of the sink and turned on the bathwater. "Josh what are you doing?" I asked slightly tilting my head to the side.

"I'm taking care of my pregnant soon to be wife" he stood facing me rubbing small circles on my stomach. "Josh I'm pregnant but not that pregnant I can take care of myself" I protested trying to get down from the counter but I found myself pinned between the counter and my fiancé. A low growl echoed the halls convincing me to stay put "Why are you so stubborn?" Josh growled

"It's just who I am and you know you love me for it" Josh pulled me closer careful not to push against my stomach "more than anything in the world" he whispered against my lips before capturing them. I pulled back and pointed at the tub which was close to overflowing. Josh followed my gaze "Shit!" he quickly turned off the water and took out the plug draining the tub.

"Hey language mister" I stated covering my stomach with my hands, "wow maternal instincts already kicking in" Josh mocked I rolled my eyes and slide off the counter pulling off my pajamas and stepping into the shower enjoying the warm water, "Hey any room for one more" Josh asked I pulled back the curtain fully exposing the whole shower and me along with it, to the cold air.

Josh stiffened at the sudden change in scenery but I could tell he already knew the answer "Aren't you coming in?" I asked teasing Josh a little more but soon turned my back to him as I continued with my shower.

After our shower Josh and I headed to the dining room for breakfast I tried to walk normal but Josh kept me close keeping me away from the walls which were covered in weaponry and large paintings. He kept on hand on my waist and one on my stomach luckily no one was in the halls otherwise they would have known.

Josh and I wanted to keep it a secret until we came up with an idea on how to tell everyone.

As we reached the doors to the hall Josh stopped me before I could walk through he bent down and kissed my stomach "now little one you will probably hear a lot of noise but just understand that is your grandfather and people who will do anything to protect you and your mother." he kissed my stomach one last time before he opened the door and guided me into the hall.

However, it was a bad idea as I was meet with a very strong smell of eggs. I held my breath and slowly began breathing through my mouth. Josh seemed unfazed by this and put on a big smile and guided me to my seat where he pulled out my chair and pushed it in slightly.

I slowed down my breathing and was able to stand the very potent smells. Josh placed food on my plate and filled his, Destruc was reading the newspaper but soon set it down and began eating along with us.

I took a small bite of pancake chewing slowly trying to calm my senses. "So you're pregnant" Destruc stated while he sipped his coffee.

I began coughing chocking on my pancake as I felt my eyes bug out and I looked over at Josh who was pale as a ghost. "H-How did you know?" Josh asked knowing I'm not able to speak I slowly sipped on my orange juice as I tried to regain my steady breathing.

"Trust me a father knows when something is up like you two smiling uncontrollably, Alex almost getting sick at the smells, and Josh slightly touching your stomach every couple of seconds. Also, I can sense a second heartbeat coming from Alex"

I head hung low "I'm sorry dad if your disappointed in us" I was interrupted by a small laugh coming from my dad "Oh honey I couldn't be any happier I'm finally going to be a grandfather about damn time I might add" I felt my eyes widen at his response "Daddy!" I felt my cheeks redden as I peeked over at Josh who was still pale as a ghost but was fighting back a smile.

"Now why don't we discuss what arrangements will be made" Destruc stated leaning forward on the table with his hand folded into each other I nodded my head and peaked over at Josh who was slowly regaining some color in his face.

Her Legacy (A Her Prophecy Novel)Where stories live. Discover now