Chapter 3: Why

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Natsu p.o.v.

I wake up and notice how empty everything feels.I look to see if Lucy feels the same, but she isn't there. I get up and check the apartment looking for her.

"Hey Luce where are you?" I ask, then I see few a notes on the nightstand, each addressed to different people in the guild. On the top I see one labeled everyone, as I look through I see my name. I open it and start reading.


I know that I said I wouldn't give myself up, that you would protect me, but I can't stand seeing ANY of my comrades. I especially don't to see you fight so hard you lose your life, especially for me, I'm not worth that. I will come back even if it the last thing I do. I love you. I hope you love me back, but I understand if you don't. I want you to be happy, so please be happy. Do whatever you need to do so you can be. Please don't forget me.

I love you, Lucy.

I only realize I'm crying when I see the tears roll of my face and onto the paper. I love you too Luce. I think over and over again. She could be dead by now. WAIT don't think like that. I should bring the letters to the guild, then I'm going after her. I will bring her back if I need to. I run to the guild, literally drop the letters down and ran to go get Lucy. She told me to do whatever will make me happy, she is what makes me happy so it's ok if I go and get her.

As I'm about to board the train Erza, Gray, Happy, Wendy, Carla, Gajeel, Mira, and Gramps catch up to me. The tears are visible on their faces.

"Natsu, were coming with you whether you like it or not." Gramps says, "Lucy means a lot to all of us, she means alot to the whole guild. Were not going to be ok with her gone."

"I have a few conditions then." I say, "Wendy gives me the miracle spell, and you let ME defeat this creep Zeke, and the first hug from Luce."

"Thats fair, but if this foe deems to be too much for you natsu then we will jump in. You never said we couldn't help." Erza agrees for everyone.

"Ok then let's get on the train." Wendy says sweetly. "Gajeel you look pale, are you going to need this spell as well?"

"Yes please." He says miserably. I almost laughed, until I started to think about Lucy again. What was she going through right now. I don't have to worry about this creep taking her because I already did.

Lucy p.o.v.

While I'm on the train I think of how much I miss taking it with Natsu. I really miss the whole guild right now. Once the train announces we're finally at my stop I get off. I know I'm going to have to walk a little bit to get to our estate. Once I get there I knock on the door. A small girl in a maids uniform opens the door.

"Master Zeke will be here soon. Please wait here" She says timidly. Then goes to get Zeke.

"Thank you." I reply. I start looking at some of the stuff from my old house. I hear a soft knock and see the maid again, with Zeke behind her. He comes up to me waving her to leave. He backs me up into a wall. He starts to kiss me but I don't kiss back. He then punches me.

"Do as I say and you won't get hurt, Understand?"

"No. I will not do what you want me too. I only came here to save my family. I don't have to do what you want me to do!" I exclaim. I start to walk away till he grabbed my hair pulling he back. He punched me in the gut. I fall to the floor gasping for air. He kicks me even harder. I fall coughing up blood. That's when he starts using his magic. It's just like Jura's magic. He sends me flying out a window to outside.

"Stand and fight weakling!" He yells at me. I decide to just use my whip. I don't want my spirits to have to deal with this syco.

"Is that all you have. I can see why fairy tail didn't want you."

"That's not true," I cough out. "Fairy tail loved me they will be my family forever. They would never betray me or anyone else!" I scream. I suddenly hear someone yell my name, Natsu. And Erza, Gray, Wendy, Happy, Carla, Mira, Gajeel, and Master. "I told you they would never. They have come to save me. If only you knew the meaning of family. What Love feels like. I found out when I joined fairy tail. You will never be able to defeat us. Never!" I say. Natsu was coming closer when I dropped my whip and started fainting. I could see the magic energy surround Zeke. Before I hit the ground he took the opportunity to strike me again. It hit me so hard I go flying in the air. I hear everyone scream to me. I cough more blood up. Natsu jumps up and catches me.

"Luce, what were you thinking? Why wouldn't I love you back, how could you be so stupid?" Natsu says. I can only smile.

"Thanks for coming, but you are going to have to leave again so he doesn't hurt you. I'm not worth your pain."

"Lucy what the hell? You are worth more than my life I would gladly give it to you for you, a million times over!"

"Then Natsu, promise that you will let me handle this. I can take him."

"Do you see or feel how badly you're hurt? I can't sit back and see you take this like it's no big deal." That's when I see Natsu is crying. Ut just gives me more confidence. I can do it. Even through this pain. I think.

"Trust me Natsu, I'm the only one who can defeat him. He will hurt you guys soon." Natsu nods his head, approving. He sets me down keeping a hand on my waist to steady me, then walking to stand by everyone else".

"Open the, gate of the twins. Gemini"

"Peri peri. How can we help you Lucy?" They ask.

"Turn into me. We need to do our special spell." I wink at them at that and they agree. We get on our hands and knees and start to say the spell. 

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