Chapter 1: Yes

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Natsu p.o.v.

Me and the gorgeous Lucy Heartfilia are walking back from a mission. She agreed not to take the train, thank god. She walks just enough ahead of me that the wind is blowing her sent toward me, vanilla and strawberries. I stop to admire her for a bit, I feel my cheeks heat up.

"Natsu are you okay?" Lucy askes. Her chocolate brown eyes full of concern. "You look flushed."

"I'm fine, just... a little winded" I say while smiling.

"Ah good so it's not only me. We should rest, it will be dark soon. I'll go get firewood." As I watch her run away I get called back to reality by a rustle in the bush.

"Who are you? Show yourself!" I yell in the direction. I can hear it come closer till I see, A DAMN BUNNY!

"Natsu I heard you yell are you okay?" Lucy asked running toward me with a bunch of firewood.

"Ya I heard a rustle and it ended up being a damn bunny. Looks like you got a good selection there." Lucy nods her head.

"Ya there was a lot over there. Here do you want to start creating a fire. Ill ask virgo for a tent we can borrow, and some clothes." As she calls virgo to come. I start putting the fire wood in a t-p form. I light it up to see lucy standing in the sunset. She looks beautifull. I come up behind her and hug her.

"You ok luce?" I ask. I can feel her to start shaking the tears on my arm. I start to get mad but ignore my anger. "What happened?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" She says happily. She turns around in my arms to face me. There is a little bit of pink on her cheeks, and god she looks gorgeous.

"Good. Hey luce, have you ever thought of someone as more than a friend?" I ask. Her face instantly reddens. I should not have asked i'm an idiot!

"Well, actually just one person." She says, blushing, i take it as my que.

"What is he like?"

"He's really brave, selfless, he is the reason im at fairy tail. He is one of my best friends." She is blushing like mad, I think I am too tho.

"And if he asked you to be his girlfriend?"

"I would say yes."

"Then, Lucy will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes." She blushed and I do too. Were only inches away from each other. I kiss her on her forehead. We start talking and joking around all night. Finally I go to bed. I can only dream of her. When we wake up we go back to magnolia. It's dark by the time we get there.

"Hey Luce, do u think we should keep this a secret, you know just for a little bit." I ask

"Thats a great idea Natsu! Are you still coming over tomorrow before the guild?"

"Wouldn't miss it. See you later Luce" I kiss her before leaving.

"Bye natsu and be careful!" She calls I turn around and smile,

Both me and her start blushing. Then as i start running back I spot a blue tail. It can only be Happy I decide to go sneak up on him. He's there trying to hold back his laughter.

"You looooooooove her!" He says in his usual way.

"So what if I do?" I say definitely. I have too look up to stop from blushing. "Let's go home."

Lucy p.o.v.

I start walking home after mine and natsu's mission. There must be a tint of blush on my cheeks as i walk on the side of the river. The boat guys call to me again and I respond with the usual. Once i get to my apartment I threw my bag on my bed and then go take a long bath. I don't bother putting any clothes on, and just go to bed. I start dreaming of mine and Natsu's possible future. I dream we live together till old age and have four kids together. two girls and two boys.

I wake up to a certain pink haired wizard walking in. I suddenly become very aware that i am naked. Me and natsu have been dating for less than 24 hours and he's already going to see me naked, unless i do or say something.

"Hey Natsu do you mind turning around for a minute?" I ask with my face surely bright red.

"Sure no problem luce." He turns around. I get up and grab clothes and run into the bathroom. I grabbed a light pink see through top and a white bra, kinda like the one i wore on Galuna island. I get a black flower skirt I put my belt and keys on. I go out of the bathroom to find natsu raiding my fridge. I laugh to myself as I think of how much that is like him. I go over and push him out of the way and pull things to make pancakes out. He starts thanking me endlessly. I tell him it's no big deal till he pulls me on his lap.

"Natsu I have to cook you breakfast."

"I know luce but I really want to hold you for a little bit. I had to wait so long before i got to see you again."

"Ok fine, after breakfast we can walk to the guild holding hands." I say. I t seems he agreed because he let me go and cook. After breakfast I held good to my promise, but when we got to the point where we can see the guild, my home, he let go of my hand. We both walk in saying hi to everyone. I go to sit at the bar, but natsu pulls me toward his table where he and Gray automatically start fighting. I laugh while erza punches them to get them to stop. Gray goes over to where juvia is and starts talking to her.

"Hey Lu" I hear levy call, something is wrong. She has been acting diffrently, I decide to let it go. I turn around and see her standing there with Gajeel. She is wearing her usual orange dress, and headband. Gajeel is also wearing the orange headband that levy got him for his birthday. The are so a couple, i can't believe they won't admit it already.

"Hey Levy. How are you today?"

"Good me and Gajeel are going to a mission to find a book. We get pain AND get books. I just wanted to say goodbye."

"Ok have fun, and don't do anything stupid." I say teasing them. Levy turns around and gives me a look. I just laugh. Natsu sits down next to me and we start talking.

"Hey Luce wann..." He gets cut of by Happy.

"Lushie you might want to get fire proof protection 'cause you'll only get burned by Natsu." He says through laughing.

"Shes already set my heart on fire" Natsu says before I can even reply to Happy.

"Aww, wait HAPPY knows?"

"Yes he saw us yesterday, before you went to your apartment." Natsu says.

"Flame brain what did happy see?" Gray asks

"Why does it matter to you ice freak?" Natsu asks

"Because I wanna know I'm the closest thing Lucy has to a brother anyway.

"Well I'm not gonna tell ya." Natsu says

" Lucy what happened?" Erza askes.

"N... Nothing." I stammer. I don't want to tell them yet but its obvious that Happy wont last long withou telling every...

"THEY KISSED!" Happy yells. That is when the whole guild explodes. Most people are happy or super sad. LIssana came over to natsu and hugged us and said that she was happy for us. Her and Bixlow got together when she got back. ONly a few months later did they tell anyone.

"Thanks Lis." Natsu says. Mira is already planning our wedding with Erza. I was alreading getting tired of hearing them go on about this. I go and leave the guild. I go to the park and think about everything.

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