"Bye baby." He says. I end the call before throwing my phone in the drawer. He's such an ass. But I wouldn't have him any other way. An hour after the call, my first client arrives and I have all but forgotten about the events of this morning.

After the call, me and Zayn hardly talked because he actually had a lot to get done. We speak during lunch and he sends me a goodnight text during before bed.

Tuesday is no different, I think we actually talked less. He sent me a text in the morning, during the day and one again at night. I wonder how much work he had, to be that busy. I offered to visit but he said he wouldn't be good company because he'll be too busy. I kind of want to kidnap him, just to give a little break.

Today though Is a different story. It's Wednesday today and Zayn is standing at my office door as we speak. He walks over to me and he pulls me out of my chair, so he can sit in it. I'm about to ask what the hell he's doing but he places me on his lap, turning my surprised face to him.

"Hey baby." he smiles a beautiful bright smile. Flashing his perfect teeth at me. He doesn't give me a chance to talk. His lips are on mine before I can open my mouth. The kiss starts off slow and innocent. He takes his time kissing me, his lips brush softly against mine. I press my lips harder against his, and the nature of the kiss changes completely.

He grabs my hips and he places me on the desk. He spreads my thighs and he moves to stand between them. He cups the side of my face with his left hand as he kisses me again. His kiss his hard, rough and full of desire. He forces his tongue into my mouth and I moan. His lips are soft as always. My breathing picks up as his right hand moves up my thigh in a slow teasing manner. His hand leaves my thighs and moves to my shirt, loosening the first button.

I'm so consumed by him that the world around us vanishes. I can't see, hear, feel, smell, touch or taste anything besides this beautiful man before me. I am so consumed by him that I don't hear my phone ringing or the door opening.

"Oh my Gosh." we're broken apart by a shrill scream.

I turn around, scared to find out who it is, but I've got a pretty good idea. Zayn straightens his suit out after helping me off the table. I turn around and I see Zoe and Nina standing at the door. Nina looks sheepish while Zoe looks haunted.

Why didn't we ever think of this. I stare at her waiting for her to say something. She opens her mouth, then closes it again. She looks at Zayn, then back to me. Zayn finally breaks the uncomfortable silence.

"I have to go." He turns to look at me and he looks calm. "Come by later?" I nod and he kisses me on the lips again. Making things even more awkward for me. He greets Zoe on his was out and Nina leaves, closing the door behind her.

We're staring at each other and I'm sure not one of us knows what to say. it's extremely awkward looking at Zoe right now.

Yeah well she just saw her brothers tongue down your throat. I mentally cringe at the thought. I awkwardly clear my throat, not meeting her eyes anymore.

"So how about we get started." I take a seat and she narrows her eyes at me.

"So we're just going to ignore the fact you just kissed my brother?" I open my mouth but nothing comes out. "So are you guys dating or are you just hooking up?" she takes a seat on the couch and waits for me to reply. "Cause if you are, my parents are not going to be impressed." she says.

This is not a conversation I wish to have right now.

"Why do you say that?" I can't help but ask.

"Because my dad is a little old fashioned. He believes we should be with people who share the same religion, culture, beliefs and those sort of things..." she trails off and to be honest I'm sort of confused. she sighs. "You and my brother are worlds apart, you don't share the same culture, religion, etc." I can tell she's holding something back. Is this what Zayn was talking about?

"So he won't approve?" my heart sinks to my toes.

"Not really, he says it's for our own good, but I guess you'll have that conversation soon." she looks uncomfortable so I decide to start with the session. Throughout the session we concentrate on nothing but Zoe. She's more open than she was a few weeks back. I try to push what she said to the back of my mind, but it's not working. My mood has taken a drastic turn, for the worst.

After my session with Zoe I decide to head home and just sleep this mood off or numb it with a bit of wine. I have a sense of trepidation while I walk home. I probably shouldn't be this worked up but Zoe's warning set off a few alarms in my brain. Will his parents disapprove of me? Will Zayn break up with me?

The first thing I do when I arrive home is getting rid of these tight clothes and poring myself a glass of wine. I head to my room to watch some Modern Family. Right when Phil talks about Luke's bruise on his necks, the sound of my ringtone fills the room. Groaning I pick up the phone and Zayn's name flashes on the screen.

For some reason my brain freezes and my finger refuses to work. My finger is hovering over the screen but nothing happens. The phone finally quiets down and I put it on Vibrate, not a second later he calls again. But like before I ignore it, I have no idea why I'm scared to answer and I don't wish to find out either. Seconds later he sends a text.

Zayn: You okay? Sorry about today.

Let me know if you're okay.

Should I come over?

All I feel now is guilt for ignoring him, when he's clearly concerned. And all because of some irrational fears. I need to stop being stupid and let him know I'm okay. Well for the most part.

Me: Hey sorry. No need to come over I'm fine.

He doesn't answer but he calls instead, like always, and this time I have no choice but to answer it.

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