When he's drunk

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Bellamy will become incredibly violent, fighting inanimate objects and shouting at everyone who comes near him. He'll think that people are trying to attack you, so he'll constantly shield you like "It's okay, (y/n), I got you.", and threaten anything that moves.

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John becomes incredibly emotional. He gets paranoid that you're mad with him or you're going to break up with him, and he'll beg for you not to leave him despite the fact you're sitting perfectly still. He's been known to cry uncontrollably for no reason whilst under the influence.

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Jasper becomes incredibly clumsy. He'll trip over thin air constantly, so much to the point where he doesn't even bother standing up. You'll have to constantly catch him, failing that you'll have to get out of his way before he falls on top of you.

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Monty becomes incredibly philosophical. He'll begin to question everything, mostly things that are simple and already have obvious explanations. Once he asked you "Were birds real?" You answered yes, he replied "Oh. The nineteenth century was weird." And then began to throw up.

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Finn, as expected, gets incredibly flirty. He always asks you if you're single, and tries to ask you on dates. He'll use awful pick up lines and get emotional if you pretend to reject him.

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