Chapter 8: Relax

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"Katheryn, mind if you breach this for us?" asked Matthew.

Matthew, Katheryn, Ryan, and Michael were outside a car manufactering plant. The group needed some parts to repair their vehicles. They've gone through a lot of wear and tear from escaping hordes of undead.

Brake parts, exhaust pipes, air intake valves, among other things. Luckily, they knew the location of a manufacturing plant. The four of them were sent to get as many as they could. Just a quick run. Get what was necesarry and hurry out.

Two weeks have past and the group has been growing steadily. They even obtained suppressors for all of their weapons. Katheryn had one on her shotgun which made it more safe to shoot. The suppressors didn't rid all of the sound though. It didn't give them clearance to pop rounds whenever they wanted. Just a little more leniance.

The big heavy door to the plant was locked up and tough to break in even with a crowbar. The only thing with enough stopping power would be Katheryn's shotgun.

She pointed the barrel on the lock and pressed it against it tight. She pulled the trigger and a loud but softened bang was heard.

She pulled away her gun and revealed the broken lock. She kicked the door open and the four of them went in.

The whole buiding was dark. It must've been a month since the entire complex stopped recieving power. The only light was the sunlight that peered in small holes in the walls and ceiling. The light was enough for bearable sight.

It smelled rotten. There must be tons of dead bodies to fill the whole building with the stench. The group wrinkled their noses to avoid the smell but it was unavoidable. They would have to work with it.

The place was old and abandoned like most of the world. It was in a rundown state but what was inside was still salvagable. The group held torches in their mouths and began taking what they thought could be used.

"Most of the things on our list have labels. Make sure the ones you find are right to the letter. Not all parts fit all cars. It isn't a one size fits all." lectured Matthew. There he goes again, letting his smart mouth run off. It did have his uses though and the group was glad to have him.

Ryan was collecting brake parts and coolant fluid. With light in mouth, bag in hand, he dealt with the darkness and tried getting everything he needed. Of course everything was in a mess. The employess must have been in a hurry to get out. Must've left their station to go to their families. Then to those who stayed, they didn't even want to think what happened to them.

Ryan looked closely at the labels. He looked at his list and matches the specifications. The cars they had needed matching parts or else they would be useless. Ryan had a hard time matching it up exactly but with time he figured it out. Ryan was more of a physical person. Math was the last thing he missed from the world they once knew.

Matthew and Michael were doing the same thing. Matthew was having a better time being efficient and finding the right materials. Michael on the other hand wasn't. He continously asked Matthew for help which annoyed him greatly.

Katheryn was standing guard outside, on the lookout for any trouble. Right now, there was something worse than zeds that were scaring the group. The other survivors that they keep running into. They already tried shooting Ben and nearly killed the rest of the supply group. They haven't been bothered since but it is clear they can strike whenever they want. Also, if they're confidant enough to keep sending their men against them and not being afraid of losing them, they probably have a lot more numbers. In a head on fight, there is no doubt it would be to their advantage.

Ryan finished gathering everything on his own list so he began exploring. He pointed his light and peered at the darkness. Mostly just garbage and blood staining the walls and machines. He was getting bored so he just traced the walls with his finger.

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