Chapter 3: Weapons Check (Revised)

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Bonk bonk!

Marco shot awake and sat right up. Immediately he felt his back seeking its vengeance as he tested out the full range of motion of his muscles. Not much. Sleeping a hard-wood floor had its disadvantages, but he wouldn't take the comfort of a couch from anyone. He dreamt that night. He dreamt that everything that had happened wasn't real and that it was nothing but a horrible nightmare. Much to his dismay, the nightmare never ended. He was living in it every minute and there was no escape. Looking around him helped let that sink in. All around, his friends were still fast asleep. The orange light of the sun rise was slowly creeping in through the blinds, but they were never aware. The guys deserved it after the hell they had been thrusted into. He had a good guess they weren't going through peaceful sleeps either. 

But then he realized just why he had woken up. 

Bonk bonk!

It came from the door. He severely doubted it was the neighbours knocking. Undead neighbours wouldn't be so far-fetched though. Multiple pounding noises on the door and windows. Through the curtains he could see monstrous silhouettes continuously scratching against the glass in futile attempts to break in. They could sense them. Whether it was through smell or someone made a noise in the night. Somehow, one of them caught whiff of the fifteen teenagers all bunched up together, asleep and defenseless, primed for an attack. The moans of one would draw more and more until the entire street would be clamoring to get inside. Dozens of hungry mouths eager to rip apart flesh from the bones of young prey. The door would hold for only so long and not like any of them were carpenters. They had to take care of what was outside, however many there were. They had to do it soon.

He nudged a few people awake. People he knew he could count on and that had proven themselves. Maybe he was already putting a little too much faith in them, but his mind was racing. Ryan for sure was a no brainer. Seeing him getting in the zone as he batted away a swarm of zeds made him an obvious choice. That guy had no problem getting his hands dirty and was quite capable of it. Michael seemed to be a decent fighter as well. He handled himself well out there and didn't require much assistance. From what he heard from Nicole, her first encounter with a zed was a solo one and nearly took it out. She was good with a hammer so he got her too. Finally, he picked Gaffney. The axe technically belonged to him and it was their best weapon they had in their possession. 

He poked him in the shoulder and he slowly opened his eyes. He was squinting since it was so bright. He groggily asked him what he wanted. Marco filled him in on what was happening and that he needed his help. When the sounds of the dead outside were starting to process in his head, his eyed widened. He was very reluctant to get back out there after so soon and so early in the morning.

"What's wrong? You did fine yesterday?" Marco asked, hushing his voice.

"Yeah, that was yesterday. But what if I mess up today?"

Marco rolled his eyes and placed his confidence in him by telling him he would do just great. It helped by telling that there would be others going with to cover each other's backs. They had to get it done sooner rather than later or the build-up would get worse. The problem wasn't going to be going away on its own so they would have to do it themselves. Gaffney didn't like a single part of that scenario, but he wouldn't let his friends go at it alone. He sighed and got himself up, careful not to wake the others. He was about to ask if he could change, but then he remembered that no one had any spare clothes to change into. They were all still in their school uniforms that were bloodied and soaked. That was another thing on their to-do list that day.

The four boys and girl quietly tip-toed to the other side of the house. One of them must've brushed past Sam because she, in a low and gravelly voice, called out to them asking what was happening. They just told her to go back to sleep and to ignore whatever else she may hear next. Even if all fifteen of them fought their way here, there was something about death right outside their door that was terrifying. The thought of it being busted down and them not being able to do anything about was scary to say the least. The group picked their choice of weapons. Everything they had collected was leaned against the wall in the back garage. Their main advantage this time was the addition of more sharp tools. Oscar also had a sizable collection of knives stored away. Pocket knives, switch blades, couple larger ones and one bowie knife. Ben already called the giant blade so none of them were touching that. Gaffney went for his axe, Ryan had his bat, and the other three each took a knife. If they placed their strikes right, it would take less time to kill a zed. However, if they missed or they didn't put enough force into the stab then not only would it take longer, but it would put them in a very vulnerable position. There was only going to be one way to get good at it.

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