Chapter 15

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Tris POV

"You wanna do something?" Shauna asks. I look up from the magazine that I was barely reading.

"Like what?" I ask.

"I don't know, anything beats sitting around doing nothing," Shauna insists, "Oh! I have an idea, why don't we have a girls' night?"

"A girls' night?"

"Yea! We can like go and get call Marlene and Lynn and Lauren or something. And we can like go out and watch a movie or eat or do anything!"

I sigh. Shauna doesn't want a girls' night, she needs something to distract her from Zeke. I can't believe how idiotic he was to turn down a girl as amazing as Shauna. Right now, he's probably making out with that clown he's taking out on a double date with Four.


I was trying my best not to think of him right now. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be agreeing to this right now. I nod, "Sure, let's do it." I need something to distract myself from Four.

"Really? Thank you so much Tris!" She smiles at me, and I can see the genuine happiness shining in her eyes.

"Of course. Anything to help out a friend."


"Okay, so I called them, and Lynn and Marlene are both coming, well more like they have no other choice, but whatever. And Lauren has training so she can't come, and frankly, I'm to scared to threaten her."

"Great let's go," I say, swinging a bag/purse thing over my shoulder.

"Hold on," Shauna holds up a hand, stopping me.


She looks me up and down, "Seriously Tris? At least try to dress up a bit nicer."

I look down at my clothes. I'm wearing the same clothes I had on during my workout, except I switched out my shorts for my favorite sweatpants. "What, too fancy?" I joke.

Shauna rolls her eyes. "Why must you always insist on hiding your beauty?"

I blush, I hate it when people tell me I'm pretty. I cross my hands over my chest, trying to take the attention off of me, "I thought that you said that this was a girls' night out? Why do I need to look pretty for my friends?"

"Look, I know what I said, but we are going out in public. We might as well pick up some boys."

I groan, "Shauna! I'm doing you a favor, don't push it."

She shakes her head and pushes me back into my room, "Change. GO!" I stumble into my room, and she shuts the door closed with a loud 'bang". "Oh, and put on a dress for god's sake!" Shauna calls out to me through the door.

"Never gonna happen!" I call back to her.

I sigh and drop my bag to the ground. I pick out some clothes and quickly change. Once I'm finished, I take a quick look at myself in the mirror.

I'm wearing a loose, black tank top with a unique v-neck design that melted into a soft fabric. The edges and back were made of an intricate lace design, that didn't show off a lot of skin, but just enough. Since Shauna had insisted on something "fancy", I had decided to put on a skirt that someone had bought for me who-knows-when. It's black on the front but on the back it melts into this beautiful design that flows all the way down to my ankles. Whenever I move, the skirt looks like waves of water. For shoes, I put on some simple black boots, not combat though. For makeup I quickly drew on some simple black eyeliner to help make my eyes stand out, but nothing else. I mean seriously, who wears lipstick to go eat? I tie my hair in a fancy-like braid thing that positions all my hair to rest on my left shoulder. I curl the ends to help add to the whole "flowing water" theme I've seemed  to have taken up.

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