Chapter 5

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Sorry for disappearing off the face of this earth, I procrastinate a lot, and I mean a lot. Don't judge. And as you guys know schools starting =( and with school starting at all, I'm not going to be able to update as often. But I will try my best, so be patient with me.

I read all of your absolutely amazing reviews, and most of you wanted Uriah POV, so I did it. Keep reviewing, I want to hear all of your thoughts and feedback, and if you have any ideas for the story, please share them.

If there are any spelling or grammar errors, I'm not perfect, but I am sorry. Proof-reading is not really my thing, but you can basically guess what I'm trying to say.

Okay I will not distract you any longer, here's the chapter, hope you like it. Don't forget to review, favorite, and follow!

Uriah POV

Tris, Marlene, Lynn and I walk along the hall to the practice room, every so often, me and Marlene's shoulders brush against each other, we glance at each other, blush, then look away. This happens many times until we reach the door, but before we walk in, Tris stops us.

"Do you guys hear that?" Tris asks, I listen closely and realize that there's noise coming from the room. I was so focused on Marlene, that I didn't even hear the voices from the room.

"Wait a second, I know that voice", I say, pushing open the door, and bursting in with Tris hot on my heels.

Zeke, Four, Shauna, and Lauren stand holding their guns, practicing. They were really into it too, even though the guns weren't even real. If you want to practice your shooting, you have to use fake guns that only shoot plastic pellets. Cause dauntless is all about safety, that's why they make you jump off of 100 story buildings, just trying to protect you.

It seemed like they were competing with each other. Their faces looked determined and you could feel the intensity in the air. Wow, they take practicing really seriously.

I clear my throat loudly, twice, and they still don't notice us. We just stand there watching until they finally decide to turn around, and see us. At first, they just look at us confused.

"What're you guys doing here?" Zeke finally asks.

"Well, we were going to practice using guns, but we found the room occupied, so we decided to just wait patiently for you guys to finish." Tris answers back, then she grabs one of the guns from the floor, and shoots Zeke in the chest with one of the plastic pellets in the gun. "Bullseye", Tris says smirking.

"Challenge accepted", Zeke answers, after getting over the fact that Tris just shot him. He picks up another gun, and aims it towards Tris, except she was ready for it. She quickly ducks to the side, and the pellet ends up hitting me.

I fall to the floor dramatically, screaming in agony, and telling Tris to avenge me, while she just rolls her eyes.

While on the floor, I take the chance to grab a gun, and shoot Zeke. But I end up missing, hey, I was on the floor, cut me some slack. So I end up shooting Four.

That's when the war started.

Everyone grabbed the nearest gun, and started to shoot at each other. Somehow, I don't know how but we unanimously split into teams. Tris, Marlene, Lynn and I, on one team, and Zeke, Four, Shauna, and Lauren on the enemy team. But I guess teams didn't really count, cause really, as long as you hit someone, that's a win.

I don't know how long we were doing this, but after a while, we ran out of plastic pellets, and no one wanted to go ask for more. So we just decided to call it a tie, even though my team, or I, obviously won.

I can't believe that no one complained about the noise, but I guess we're dauntless. Loud noises are part of our daily life.

We all walk, while laughing and talking, to the cafeteria. Tris, Marlene, and Lynn were all talking together, and I didn't want to be a third wheel, so I decided to eavesdrop on Zeke's conversation.

"Can you believe we have to do fear simulations again?" Lauren asks them, with worry on her face.

"Yea, I know right", Shauna answers back to her, "Fear landscapes were horrible, even worse than fighting." Zeke nods his head in agreement, but that's normal, he is so head over heels in love with Shauna that he agrees with everything she says.

Wow, I don't know what these fear simulations are but they must pretty bad to be worse than fighting. Especially since this is coming from Shauna, because she sucks at fighting, no offense.

"Oh come on guys, it's not that bad", Four says reassuring them, but he seemed nervous too.

"Easy for you to say, you only have four fears", Lauren snaps at him. Everyone stares at her shocked, including me. "I'm sorry about that, I'm just really on edge right now", Lauren says quickly, trying to hide her shame.

"Don't worry about it", Four says smiling, recovering from shock, "So, what jobs do you think you're gonna pick after initiation ends", trying desperately to change the subject.

I don't listen to them after that reaching the cafeteria. Man, I'm really not looking forward to initiation anymore.

Longest chapter yet, 800 words! Well, around 800 words.

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