Chapter 17

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Late...again. I'm so so so sorry, I completely meant to update yesterday but I lost track of time. I almost couldn't even update today because I was so busy.

To make up, here's an extra long chapter!


"Hey hot stuff."

I glance towards the source of the voice and roll my eyes at a grinning Eric. He raises his eyebrows in an unspoken question. I sigh and reach down into my bag of spicy chips and hand him one. He crunches happily on it and sits down next to me.

"So, do you always just stare longingly at the wall for no apparent reason? 'Cause I don't think he likes you like that."

"Yeah? Well you thought wrong. Wally's really into forbidden relationships." my words thickly coated in sarcasm.

"Wally? You couldn't think of anything better?" he laughs and reaches over for some more chips. I smack his hand away, "OW! You might not think this, but you hit hard."


We continue to sit silently for what seems like forever as I wait anxiously for Four.

After a few minutes, Eric pipes up "Hey, can I ask you something?"

I nod my head.

Eric and I, we go back a long way. To puts things simply, we have a very complicated history.

Back when we were still in the Middle Levels, Eric and I were actually very close. Back then, he didn't have his reputation yet, he was just another guy.

Miranda approached me one day, for no apparent reason, and we started talking. She and I were friends when we were kids, but she eventually ditched me to become one of the populars. If only I had learned my lesson. But anyways, she started becoming closer and closer with me, as I began to think that we were actually friends. We were a tight group of three.

Then, as Miranda, Eric, and I entered the Upper Levels, was the truth finally revealed to me. During a party of my brother's, I joined in on a game of Candor or Dauntless. When it was my turn, I chose Dauntless, of course, and I was dared to ask Eric on a date. But when I asked him, I was rejected in front of everyone at the party, which was pretty much most of the whole school. I was heartbroken. I was even more hurt when I found out that the reason he rejected me was because of his secret relationship with Miranda.

After Eric rejected me, I became the laughing stock of the school. I managed to hide it from Zeke and Uriah as they were even worse back then. A few months later, Eric dumped a heartbroken Miranda. A couple days after that, all my bullies mysteriously stopped. I had no idea what had happened nor did I really care.

During my second year, I remember sitting alone at my favorite spot in the woods. It was completely serene, and just gave me a sense of peace. That was until Eric came stumbling into it.

That day, we sat. We talked and catched up. Just like old times, before the whole Miranda situation. I still hadn't forgiven him for what he'd done. But then he revealed a secret to me that changed my mind.

Eric told me that he was the reason all those bullies stopped. Every time someone tried to assault me, a couple minutes after I left, Eric would beat them up. Of course I was completely against this, but Eric refused to let me be tortured for what he did. I tried to stop him, but like he said, the fights were happening behind my back. Eric also told me that he was only in a relationship with Miranda, because she knew a secret about me that she threatened to share with everyone.

Another Pedrad | ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora