Chapter 4

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Zeke POV

I rubbed my hands together, trying to stop them from shaking too much from nervousness. 

They're about to show our rankings for stage one. I glanced over at Four and he gave me an encouraging smile, I returned it back to him, well, attempted to. I was too worried about being kicked out and becoming factionless. I shuddered at just the thought of having to leave dauntless and my family.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of loud footsteps and heavy panting coming from the entrance. 

"We're here! We're here! Whew, made it just in time!" When I realize who the voice belongs to, I'm almost afraid to turn around. But when I finally do, I'm not surprised to see Uriah and Tris standing at the doorway.

"I win!" Tris exclaimed to Uriah, before both of them finally have enough energy to look up. When they do, they realize that everyone's staring at them, and Uriah starts blowing kisses to everyone, before Tris grabbed his hands and held them down.

"Umm, excuse me, but you're not supposed to be here." Amar pointed out to them.

"We know, we know", Uriah replied, "but we couldn't miss the rankings of Zekey-bear's first stage of initiation. Please, Amar."

"And we won't make any noise at all", Tris added. Yeah right, I thought to myself. Amar thought about it for a second, but I already knew that he was going to cave. He loved us like we were his own, especially Tris. There's no way that he could say no to her. The two of them have always had a weird connection that I never understood. 

Tris and Uriah quickly ran over to sit next to me, basically squeezing me off. Amar flipped the board around, revealing to us the rankings.













Throughout the room, I could hear cheers and murmurs of disagreement, but the loudest noise was coming from beside me. "Congratulations Zeke, you're not dead last!" shouted Uriah and Tris. Then, to show me their excitement, they hug -more like tackle- me.

I would never admit this but I was really worried about not making it in. Dauntless has one of the hardest initiations, so becoming factionless is that much more likely. I've never been much of a softy, but I wouldn't possibly be able to bare being away from my family. But I guess all is well, for now.


Tris POV

I woke up in the middle of the night, and just laid there, not knowing what to do. Suddenly the door creaked open and a figure walked in. I quickly turned over, and pretended to fall asleep.

The figure walked over to Uriah first and whispered something too softly for me to here. After the figure is done, it starts walking towards me. I consider punching him or her in the face, when I feel a pair of lips touch my forehead. Then the mystery person whispers "I love you Tris", then walks away, closing the door.

My last thought before I fall asleep again was, I love you too Zeke.


So I tried out a new POV this chapter hoped you guys liked it. What POV would you guys like the next chapter to be?  I would love to hear what you guys think, and thank you to my one commenter, I appreciate it.

Another Pedrad | ✓Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt