Chapter 8

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What's up my excellent readers, I am here with chapter 8.

I would just like to mention that my Author Notes' are always in bold, you might have already figured that out. Anyways, sometimes I'll have important messages so remember to read the bolded stuff.

And again, sorry for and grammar or spelling errors, double-checking just isn't my thing.

Tris POV

"Ugh, how many times do we need to tell you this, we do not need a babysitter," I complain to Zeke. Our mom's busy working at the fence and Zeke's going off to some party or date or something. Either way we all know he's ain't gonna be back any time soon.

"Yea, seriously dude, we are adults, not babies," Uriah reasons with Zeke alongside me. Zeke has always been our overprotective brother, and we love him for that, but sometimes, he goes a little overboard. As in like the passengers pushed him overboard. 'Cause if I could I would.

"I already found a babysitter, or 'adult-sitter', so stop whining and complaining. 'Cause you sure sound like a bunch of babies," Zeke tells us, determined to ruin our lives.

We keep on arguing until we hear a knock on the door. Zeke goes to open it, and talks with the person while Uriah and I make faces at him, without him noticing. After a few minutes, he turns around, and me and Uriah quickly stop and act "casual". "Okay I'm leaving now, bye." He calls out to us.

"Try not to die," Uriah waves at him with a fake smile.

Zeke smiles at us and waves goodbye while we scowl at him. "I hope the same to you" he calls out as he steps out of the room revealing our "babysitter".


Four POV

Zeke literally begged me to watch Tris and Uriah. I tried refusing because I know that they're not kids anymore and can handle themselves, but he insisted. He told me that I was the only person he trusted to watch over Tris and Uriah since their mom was out of town and he was going on a date with Shauna.

Finally, I was won over by 20 bucks and a slice of dauntless cake. In my opinion, I got the better end of the deal.

As I arrive at their apartment, all I can hear is screaming-nothing I wouldn't expect from the home of Zeke. I knock on the door, not sure if anyone heard though because of all the chaos happening inside. But a few seconds later, Zeke opens the door, and greets me with a thankful smile.

"'Sup Four," he says cheerfully, "Welcome to our humble home."

But before I can even enter the room, he goes over, all of the rules with me. Don't let Tris and Uriah out of your sight, don't let them get the secret cookie jar of money in the cabinet. There's a key under the doormat, make sure the doors and windows are locked. Don't let them throw a party, at least not without inviting him first. Don't let anyone touch the blueberry yogurt in the fridge, no one goes into his room. His phone number is on the fridge, there is an escape plan in case of emergencies next to every doorway. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

To be honest, I stopped paying attention after "'sup".

"That's great Zeke", I tell him.

"Oh yea one more thing," I silently groan in my mind, "If anything happens to Tris or Uriah, I will hunt you down, and make sure you have a slow and painful death." He says leaning towards me for more effect. "Okay bye!" He says happily, before saying bye to the twins, and then finally leaving.

Once I have a view of the twins, it takes almost all of my strength to keep my jaw intact.

Tris is wearing a loose gray, laced tank top, with a leather jacket, that makes her look super bad ass. Along with a pair of dark blue jeans stopping above her mid-calf, that hug her body perfectly. Her hair is in loose curls, that roll off her shoulders like the waves of an ocean. She has on only a bit of makeup, but just enough to make her eyes pop. The outfit isn't too revealing or over the top, yet she looks absolutely gorgeous, probably better than any other girl I've ever met.

"Wow, Tris, you look" I stutter out at a loss of words, "uh, amazing."

She blushes, "Thanks", she says in a soft voice.

Uriah clears his throat loudly. I turn towards him and add, "You look good too."

He places his hand on his chest and bats his eyelashes, "Why, thank you Four!"

"So, uh, why you dressing up so fancy?" I ask, turning back to Tris.

"Yea, why are you so fancy?" Uriah chimes on, also curious.

Tris just shrugs and states simply, "I have a date"

"What?!" Uriah screams on the verge of exploding, obviously not happy about this.

"Woah, calm down Uri. It's just a date," Tris says trying to calm Uriah down. He relaxes a bit, but his face is still a light shade of red. I was surprised that steam hadn't shot out of his ears yet.

"So, who's this date with?" I ask trying to break the tension.

"Yea, and does Zeke know about this?" Uriah asks, all of us already knowing the answer to this.

"Well-," before Tris can give us more information, the doorbell chimes, and Tris runs to it, completely ignoring us. She opens the door, with me and Uriah follow close behind, not that we're spying or anything. Tris' date smiles and hands her a huge bouquet of flowers.

"Aww, thank you so much Jay." Tris smiles.

"Your welcome, flowers to match the beauty in front of me." Jay says, causing Tris to blush.

"Ok, well we better get going now." Tris tells us, trying to get away from us, but of course Uriah didn't let her.

"Jay! Yo, what's up man!" Uriah says pushing Tris out of the way to give Jay a bro-hug.

"Oh um, Hi Uriah" Jay says nervously glancing at a confused and slightly pissed off Tris. "Yea, uh, I'm actually on a date right now."

"Oh, really?" Uriah says in mock confusion, "I had no idea!"

"Oh, get lost Uriah," Tris elbows Uriah.

"Umm, actually I can't because I'm your brother, and you wouldn't want Zeke to find out, now would you?" Uriah tells her.

Tris groans, "Fine, what do you want Uriah?"

"I'm going on the date with you."

"Oh, and if Uriah's going than that means that I need to go, Zeke told me I needed to watch you guys," I add.

Tris groans, but doesn't refuse. She grabs her bag, and follows Jay out the door, with his arm around her waist. I feel a pang of jealousy shoot through me, but I ignore, and quickly follow with Uriah hot on my heels.

This is going to be a long night.

Hey guys, I know this chapter is kinda short, I wanted to write more but I decided to end it here so that I could post this chapter earlier, and it is still 1k words. Don't worry I will include Tris' date, I guess this is sorta a bit of a filler chapter. But I hope you guys still liked it.

If you guys have any ideas for the story don't be shy, feel free to share, this is a caring environment. Oh, and in case you've been wondering, this is a fourtris story, and don't worry fourtris will be coming soon, very soon. (cue evil laugh)

Toodles, fellow readers!

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