_____ Birthday Camzi!

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Today is the day.

You're finally going to get your life in order and be happy with her.

It was her 18th birthday finally because you've been waiting to give her this.

You held the box wrapped in pale yellow wrapping paper and a rich purple bow rest upon it.

"Hey Lolo."

"Hi Babe."

You kissed and then entered the inviting house, setting the box on the table next to the other few gifts from Camila's parents, Dinah, Ally and Mani.

Your Papa would be here soon with the final gift to finish off what you had for Camila.

You all sat around and ate the best Cuban food in Miami as Camila settled in to open her gifts. At this point she's learned to always open yours last.

She grabs Normani's first which was two gifts in one. The first being a few vinyls of Camila's favorite bands the bigger box being the player itself. Camila cried and asked Mani how much it costs because Camila of course would pay Normani back for it even though it's a gift. She's always been selfless when it comes to this kinda stuff.

Next was Ally. She gave her some of the best god damn cookies ever which she makes herself and some gift cards to some sparing places and a free meal to whichever Cuban restaurant Camila could think of. Camila hates people paying for her, you'd usually fight over the check everywhere but Cuban food she'll take all she can get. She hugged and thanked Ally. She was crying again of course.

Now Dinah. Priceless. Camila couldn't even take it out of the box. A pair of handcuffs and lingerie.... just kidding but needless to say, you'd enjoy it more than Camila would. Camila hates needles and I think a free tattoo doesn't really suit Camila and the Cabello's are pretty strict with that kind of stuff so you'll wait to get Camila nice and tatted up. Thank you Dinah.

Now Camila's parents.

A Mac computer, a new guitar, a set of car keys and new sleek black Jeep in the front of the house.

Your papa had arrived by then and you asked him for the last part of Camila's gift which you had gotten a blessing from Camila's parents before you even thought of actually buying the thing.

Camila looked to the pale yellow box you brought and she smiled.

She pulled out a small dragon plushie with a unicorn horn stitched to the head. The sun and moon could be distinctly seen on the back on each side of the wings.

She cried again and you smiled at her.

"Happy birthday Camila."

She kissed you and you asked Sinu and Ale if you guys could take the Jeep out for the spin noting that you'd be taking Camila to the surprise you had all set up.

Here you go.

Camila got in the drivers seat and you told her to take you to West Miami, almost to the city limits. You got there and you gave her directions into a nice little quaint Hispanic neighborhood.

You told her to pull into a driveway and you think she almost crashed the car.

"Lauren I swear to god."

You've done this before, you've looked at houses to live in together but decided to wait until college but since you're both leaving soon for college... why not now.

She stepped out of the car and you opened the door. You turned to her with open arms.

"Welcome home Camila."

She ran into your arms and you sat on the couch in nice silence until he texted Camila.

You fought about it. You shouldn't of accused her of cheating. You knew she'd never cheat on you, you love each other to hurt each other like that.

You stormed out.

"Happy fucking Birthday Camila"

That's the last thing you said to her. The crushing pain on your chest fought to tell you to go back and apologize but your pride is too much and you can't turn around.

You head for the beach you had your first date at, it's very quiet and close.


Then nothingness.

The last thing you remember is her saying she loves you before your memories are a shitty mess of scratchy faded memories and then... you see the light.


You're awake.


I found you.

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