Moon Moon

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Me a year ago: wow! Canada is at it peak! Nothing can bring me down!
Me now: America done fucked it all up.

Normally with American elections, the Canadian dollar goes up so I've got my fingers crossed. But if trump wins y'all are on your own. Sorry.

Nothing in Berwald's mysterious assed life had made him as happy as carrying the child of his Finnish Wife.
What made it better was getting to see the baby through an ultrasound. He was nervous about having anybody other than Tino see his tummy, but his wife held his hand and gave him little kisses when the doctor put the jelly onto his skin.
"There's its head." The doctor pointed at the grey blob on the screen.
God. Their baby was ugly. But Berwald didn't want to say anything in case Tino got mad at him.
"It's so cute."
Damn, Tino, if only you knew.
"Do you want to know it's sex?"
Why would Berwald want to know what parts the gerbil within him had between its legs. Disgusting.
"Do you?" Tino looked at him with sparkly eyes.
"Yes." Anything for his Sugarbear.
"It's got a penis." The nurse said bluntly.
"Is it a nice penis?" Berwald asked, wanting to make small talk but not knowing how.
"Um..." The nurse awkwardly shuffled away while Tino giggled.
What? Was it something he said?
"So...I'll just leave you with a pamphlet. It has all sorts of information on childbirth."
"Thanks!" Tino chirped excitedly. He took the pamphlets with the eagerness of an old lady grabbing at those gross hard candies.
Berwald cleaned himself up and walked out of the nurse's office with Tino right behind him.
"So, what do you wanna do now?" The Finnish man skipped happily.
"Tino..." Berwald stopped his long assed stride and turned to face his wife. "My paycheck can't support another child..."
Tino blinked rapidly. "Whut?"
"IKEA is great an all, but it's not a job for a family. You'll need to get some source of income."
"You don't have to worry about that, Teddy-Ber. I have a job."
"I thought you knew."
"I'm in the military."
Tino giggled. "Of course not. I'm not called in very much."
"What do you do in the military?"
"I'm an assassin."
Berwald gasped. His little Wifie was a cold blooded killer.
"Have you ever killed a man?"
"Oh yeah! Tons."
Good god.
"Ooookkay..." Berwald started walking again in Swedish.
"Baby, don't be like that. Money is money...and I'm good at it."
"You could have told me."
"I forgot."
"You forgot you kill people for a living."
"You build tables, Ber. Tables. I could never live a life as interesting as that." Tino's eyes began to water.
"Babe, don't cry. I was being dramatic. Let's forget the caste system and just love each other for who we are and not our careers."
Tino wiped his face and nodded. Berwald put his arm around his little wife and walked alongside him.
"How many people have you killed, exactly?"
Tino started counting on his fingers. "Like...twenty?"
"Twenty?! We'll need to make a lot of babies before we make that number up!"
"Berwald! We're not having twenty kids!"
"But we need to replenish. When I cut down trees to make tables I always plant another."
"People aren't trees!"
"Really? Cuz you're the reason I can breathe too!"
Tino looked shocked. His face twitched, unsure how to react. "B-Ber...that's the cutest thing you've ever said to me."
"Well, it's true, okay! You make this life worthwhile and you smell nice and you have the cutest cheeks and the strength of a bull...and you snore but they're cute snores...and you make that little face when you drink your coffee in the morning...and-"
"Ber..." Tino put his finger on Berwald's lips. "It's okay. I love you."
"I want to marry you." Berwald said through his wife's fingers.
"I want to marry you too."
"Then let's get married. You can be my wife for real."
Tino snickered and kissed Berwald on the cheek. "Okay. Let's get married. But I'm not gonna be your wife."
"That's what you think."
"WhAt was that?!"
"Thought so."

I changed the cover and title to match the song by Swedish singer, Frans.

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