Chapter 6

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Delilah POV


Me and Oliver made our way to the lunch line we both got a salad, Gatorade, and an apple. We, more like me,really didn't feel like staying in the cafeteria so we go to the blossom tree with our lunches and sit down. He was leaning against the tree and I was sitting criss cross applesauce in front of him.

After we finish eating we still had some time left. I go and sit by Oliver he puts his head on my shoulder so I start playing with his hair.

Honestly if I saw this from someone else's eyes I thought we were a couple, I wish we were. I know Oliver isn't that comfortable talking to me yet, so why would I lay a big question and ask do you want to go a date.

Oliver got up

''Where are you going''  asked confused as to why he got up

He took out his phone and texted me while he went into the building.

I received the text

Oli bear: To the bathroom

It's been about 10 minutes and still no Oliver. What is taking him so long I get up and walk into the building. I make my way towards the boys bathroom and I see someone laying on the floor.I take a  closer look and It's OLIVER. I kneel down to him and shake him.

''Come on Oliver'' I said

I slapped him to try and wake him up but he wasn't moving. They must have knocked him out pretty hard.

I didn't want to take him to the nurse cause school nurses never do anything to help and plus I didn't want her touching him. I know I sound like a jealous girlfriend but come on he's my Oli bear of course i'm going to be overprotective.

Cameron and Grace would know what to do. I run to the front office

''Excuse me can I get the rooms of Cameron and Grace Young'' I say kinda rushed

she looked me over suspicially

''Why'' she asked

''I'm a good friend of theirs and I need them now please'' I beg

She looked at me again and nodded and went on the computer to see what class room they were in

''Their at lunch right now sweetie'' She said

''Thank you I say and run out of there. When did the bell ring? I look at the time I missed a period that's why their at lunch. Cause seniors and Juniors don't have the same lunch period

I open the cafeteria door and look around for Cameron and Grace I finally spot them with their friends at a table. I rush to the table

''Guys I need you right now'' I say interrupting their conversation

''What wrong'' Grace says sensing my panic

''It's Oliver he's hurt really bad'' I say

They get up quickly and follow me to Oliver who is still unconscious

''Oh my god why didn't you take him to the nurse''Grace asks

''I don't want her touching him'' I say looking at Oliver

They look at each other

''Ok let's get him home'' Cameron says and picks up oliver

We got to the Cameron's car he lays Oliver down in the back. I got into the back with Oliver and put his head in my lap. Cameron starts the car and I play with Oliver's hair.Suddenly Oliver starts moving

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