"Don't forget, dearie," I winked at her, making her icily glower at me once again. Shoving everything I didn't need into my locker and taking out the few books I did need, I closed my locker. "You yelled 'turtle's nipples' and I got detention right with ya."

"Turtle's nipples?" Monica blurted out before busting out into laughter, holding her stomach. Tears escaped her eyes and I couldn't help but laugh again along with her. "You couldn't think of anything better than that like 'your mom's vagina'."

Allison rolled her eyes, before wrinkling her nose. "Ew, only you would think of something like that." Allison took the time to stare at herself in the mirror, fixing up her hair before pulling her makeup out of her bag to fix that too.

"Well at least I thought something," Monica retorted, slamming her locker shut, fixing the strap of her bag on her shoulder.

"Retract the claws," I joked as Allison closed her locker. I grabbed them both by the arm, pulling them forward to the lunchroom. "It's time for lunch; the best subject invented." My eyes quickly darted to Monica, narrowing them a bit, and quickly began talking again before she could respond. "And don't you dare tell me it's not a subject. Just let me be."

Monica raised both hands innocently. "Hey, I stop bothering to correct you a long time ago." I smiled. Aw, something actually nice. "I realized, once an idiot, always an idiot." And, it went away.

I disregarded her insult, not letting it spoil my mood, pushing open the door to the lunchroom. We walked into the same old same old before heading to our table. As usual, it was filled with girls. Allison and Monica took their usual spots, instantly beginning a conversation with the girls at the table. I instead sat on the table next to this pretty red head named Deidra. The girls beside her were already playing a game, truth or dare.

"I can't believe y'all started without me," I gasp, mocking hurt, while Deidra rolled her eyes.

"Bitch, please. You're gonna jump in anyway," she responded coolly, her spanish accent coming out, spinning the bottle. The bottle spun fast before slowing down. It bobbed slowly, ticking away. I grinned wide like a Cheshire cat as the bottle landed on me. This was going to be interesting, especially since it was Deidra. She never disappoints.

"Elliot, truth or dare?" Deidra asked grinning wickedly.

"Do you even have to ask?" I scoffed. "Dare of course."

"I dare you to," she began, but momentarily paused, tapping her temple. "Dance in the center of the lunchroom to the song of my choosing. Bonus if you twerk."

"Done." I smoothly hopped off the table, making my way in the middle of the lunchroom. I stopped, crossing my arms over my chest looking back at the girls, ignoring the stares of the other students around me. They already knew I was gonna do something stupid; they were just waiting for what it actually was. Deidra scrolled through her phone tapping something after plugging it into speakers.

My face lit up in excitement as a familiar beat entered my ears. Oh yeah, I definitely was gonna twerk. Yeah, twerking is usually for girls, but I had an excuse; I was gay, bottom specifically. I could get away with it. Eh, that wasn't the best excuse in the world but whatever. Everyone else could just suck it. My body slowly moved to the beat as the lyrics rang in my ears.

I be in the club standing on the couch

In them Wolf Greys like it's my house

I picked up speed with the song, letting the beat carry the moves of my body. I could dance so I was flaunting it. Not long after, girls from the table joined, as they couldn't resist dancing to this song. I grinned as we gathered the attention of everyone in the lunchroom, which was no surprise. We always did with our antics. Teachers don't intervene unless it gets out of hand, which was an added bonus.

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