|Chapter Nineteen: Camp Games|

Start from the beginning

"Me neither," I say honestly.

Emma congratulates me by planting a kiss on my lips. My heart starts to beat faster, and my palms get sweaty. We stop kissing and the feeling of ecstasy disappears.

"Good luck," I say as Emma leaves to go play.

She smiles at me as her cabin starts battling against the cougar cabin.

More and more groups get eliminated and soon it's the final round. I don't want to talk about it but let's just say Parker was on the other team. Then let's say that I ended up covered in mud.

The next game starts, which is a scavenger hunt, and I have a hunger for winning this game. I stare down at the piece of paper we received.

We start a bit late since we received our paper last.

"There's blue everywhere and people say it's toxic. Where is the first item; go out and find it."

"It's the lake!" Ravi says.

"Obviously, let's go!" I say.

We rush to the lake, and we notice Emma and her Woodchucks are already there. Emma smiles at me, but Lou keeps Emma's attention away from me. I'm guessing we have to find where the next clue is.

"Let's look around!" I shout. I start looking in the trees around the lake. I don't notice anything.

"They're in the row boat!" Ravi shouts.
Jorge and I rush to where Ravi is but so do the Woodchucks. We pick up a Woodchuck stuffed animal from the row boat. There's a note taped on to it.

We look down at the new clue we have. "Here you hate the taste of everything. It seems like the second item is going to be a mess to bring."

"Let's go!" I shout. We outrun the Woodchucks to the mess hall. Well, I outrun the Woodchucks to the mess hall. Jorge and Ravi fall behind with them.

I burst through the doors of the mess hall. I notice that the Weasels are already leaving. "Good luck!" Maya says as she passes me. Hazel just smiles softly.

What? How did they pass me? When did they pass the rest of the cabins?

I quickly search for the next item. The Woodchucks plus Ravi and Jorge get into the mass hall after a few seconds of me searching. "Come on guys!"

I don't want to explain the rest of what happened. Let's just say we didn't win. Let's also just say that Maya has a smile on her face this time.

There is only one camp game left, and we have to win it. If the Weasels or the Chipmunks (Parkers group) win, they are automatically the winners. If a different group wins, the three groups have to play a tiebreaker game.

We all get in position in front of a chair. Every camper is eager for the music to start. When the song "Final Countdown" starts, we all start moving around the chairs in a circular formation.

"Why did they choose this song?" Ravi complains.

"This sounds like the type of music they play at a really bad club," I say. "But don't get distracted!" I add.

The music stops playing, and I quickly throw myself on a chair.  I notice that Jorge is the person left standing.

"You were supposed to sit down!" I say annoyed.

"It's not like it's that hard!" Ravi pitches in.

"I'm sorry! No one explained what I was supposed to do!" Jorge says as he walks away.

The game starts getting more and more intense as people start losing. Soon, we're down to five people: Emma, Maya, Parker, Veronica, and I.

The song suddenly pauses, and I quickly get a seat.

Veronica gets out, and she just laughs. "Good luck guys!" she says kindly.

We all stand up as another chair gets removed. The music starts back up, and we all circle around the gleaming chairs.

I eye a chair intensely. I am really competitive, so I have to win this. The music stops, and I get a chair. I give Emma a sympathetic look. She just smiles. She doesn't care about this at all.

The people remaining stand up from their chairs. We wait for the music to start, and I stare at Maya and Parker while doing so. If either of them win, the competition is over.

The music starts and we start circling the chairs. I stare at the chair I'm ready to sit in. I'm not going to lose. The music stops, and I hate my life.

I don't want to talk about it.

"It looks like the Weasels are going to have the best cabin in the camp next year!" Maya says happily. Hazel and her are both laughing together. It looks like they actually became good friends.

"Good job! You deserve it," I say. I pull her into a friendly embrace.

"Okay, stop now!" Parker demands playfully after a few seconds.

Maya and I laugh as we pull out of the embrace.

"I can't believe it's the last day," Maya says.

Parker sighs and I shrug.

"It's kind of crazy," I admit.

"Not as crazy as me winning," Maya says laughing.

I roll my eyes, and I look over at Emma. It's time to enjoy some time with my girl.
Thanks for reading!! I'm going to wrap this all up next chapter. I hope you guys have enjoyed this story!

Anyways, have a great day!

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