Chapter 15

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"We better follow before they hurt themselves.." I said with a sigh, bringing Ciel his coat.

"Or we could wait... A few minor injuries could keep them out of trouble for a while.." Sebastian said under his breath, gathering Ciel's dishes.

"No Sebastian.." I sighed with a chuckle, raising my eyebrow as I buttoned Ciel into his coat.


When we found them they had already managed to get themselves into trouble, a large white dog to which I could assume was the 'demon hound' was in the process of raining its heavy paw on top of a frightened Finny.

"Is that-!?"

"I believe so.." Sebastian sighed in annoyance, swooping in at the last possible moment to stop the mighty paw from crushing Finny. "Dear me you're quite good at shaking hands!" He said, mock-enthusiastically.

"Sebastian!" Finny gasped in relief, backing away from the scene quickly.

"Though... You are a bit heavy.." I heard Sebastian say, the smirk crawling up his cheeks apparent in his voice. And with no effort he threw the mighty beast into the wall of an old ruin, crushing it to dust.

"Come, this is no time to be romping around together!" Ciel shouted in a commanding tone, stepping in front of me.

"Young Master!" The other servants exclaimed with relief.

"Of course not, I shall take care if everything at once." Sebastian said in reply to his young masters command. The hound raised its head and began sniffing the air as if in search of something, an evil smirk danced across Sebastian's lips.

"Smells irresistible, doesn't it? This is what you want am I right?" He pulled a can of dog treats, seemingly out of thin air from behind him. "It's what dogs make a beeline for: Inukko, the treat you want everyday." He said, quoting the packaging.. What the hell was he thinking..? Petty dog treats to tame a god sized demon..? And he says my judgement is impaired.. 

"Inukko?!" The servants chorused, seeming to be just as confused as I was.. Suddenly the great dog bounded forward toward the ever smirking butler.

"Look out!" Finny cried, each servant instinctively putting up a defense around their young master.

"The best was to tame a dog is to bend it's will and force obedience.. In other words, rewards and punishments!" Sebastian explained, suddenly his words becoming very forceful and intimidating, as he readied himself to what seemed to be a large jump. "First, reward!" He spoke in a firm tone, leaping towards the monster and landing on its large muzzle. Where he proceeded to do the unexpected.. He nibbled it..

The other servants and I were dumb-founded...

"What the hell Sebastian..?" I mumbled under my breath as the hound seemed to whimper in appeal.

"Miss. Lo!" Mey-rin gasped.

"Sorry.." I forgot it was 'un-lady-like' to curse.. Ciel let out a short chuckle.

Sebastian continued his barrage of rewards and punishments.. Each one much stranger than the one before.. "This is even more of a show than I imagined.." Ciel muttered, watching in amusement..

"And finally!" I hear the dark haired man shout. "Hugs!" Sebastian trotted towards the beast with his arms open wide, taking the animal up into the air and they both come bashing down, creating a creator in the earth below them.

"Oh my god.." I said under my breath as I started to run towards the large hole, but Ciel held me back.

"What are you dawdling for? Get back here this instant!" Ciel called into the pit.

"Yes my lord.. " I heard echo from down below, then suddenly, steaming hot water erupted from the ground below. "A resort needs a tourist attraction to be its centerpiece.. That is what we have here; A hot spring!"

The water peeled back to reveal Sebastian, cradling in his arms a naked, silver haired man, who then leaned forward and licked Sebastian's cheek lovingly..


As the sunset, I watched as Angela said her goodbyes to who we came to know was Pluto.. I watched them from the carriage, Ciel decided to torture Sebastian by bringing Pluto back to the manor. I started going over the events that transpired in our visit here.. I had a feeling our encounter with Angela wouldn't be our last..

I felt the carriage rock as Sebastian took his seat next to me, for a moment he looked at me and gave a slight sigh. 'If I could only kiss you now..' I heard his voice echo in my own head, he then glanced back at Ciel for a second, then flicked his eyes back to mine.

'We need to tell him sometime..' I say.

'Do we now? He's only human there isn't anything he could do to protest..' He said.

'He's my human Sebastian..'

'You're not bound to him Luis..'

'I am.. Just in a way you're unfamiliar with...'

"What are you two doing? Let's get a move on!" Ciel barked from behind us, making Sebastian grimace.

'My apologies.. I tend to forget..'


Hello my lovely readers!! Sorry for such a long wait as always! I finally got out of the slump of having to follow the story! So hopefully I'll be able to update more often! As always I'll see you in the next chapter bye!!

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