Ch. 7

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Arthur's P.O.V

I spend all morning and most of the afternoon trying to knock the door down, but I was tired and exhausted. I leaned against the door and fell down. I sighed as I closed my eyes, leaning my head back.

How could my father do this? I never wanted to believe he didn't have a heart, but I see now that he doesn't.

I needed to get out of my chamber but I didn't know how. It seemed impossible.

The only way was to agree on the marriage. To lie not only to everyone, but myself.

But I knew I'd rather be locked up than live a lie.


Merlin's P.O.V

{Hours earlier}

Lancelot and I rode into the small village of Ealdor. I looked around and smiled at many familiar faces, though there was only one face I wanted to see. I got off the horse and walked further into the village, looking around for her. Then I spotted her, carrying a bucket of water.


She turned around and her eyes widened in surprise as she saw me, a smile breaking onto her face.


I smiled widely, and ran up to her, and I hugged her. I hugged her tightly and held her close, missing her warmth and comfort. She hugged me back. Her tired arms wrapped loosely around me.

"Oh sweetie. I can't believe you're here."

I smiled and pulled back to look at her.

"But I am. I missed you very much."

"And I you."

Lancelot came up behind me and he smiled at my mother, staying his distance anyway as to not bother us.

"Lancelot," he introduced himself, "You must be Hunith, Merlin's mother."

She smiled, "Indeed. Pleasure to meet you, sir Lancelot."

"Pleasure is all mine."

I smiled at Lancelot and watched as he offered to help my mother. He carried the bucket of water and the three of us made our way inside the cottage.

"Are you guys hungry? Thirsty? I don't have much, sir Lancelot but I can try-"

"Please. Don't trouble yourself. Water would be just fine. Also, just call me Lancelot, not sir needed," he spoke kindly to her.

My mother smiled and she grabbed the cups and served us all water. We all sat together around the table.

"What brings you here, child?"

I looked at my mother and offered her a small, gentle smile.

"Couple of things."

"You didn't just run off did you?"

"Of course not. I let Gaius know where I was heading. Lancelot here found me out camping and decided to accompany me."

She smiled at Lancelot, "Thank you for that. "

He nodded and smiled back at her.

"Seems y'all had a harsh ride. Why don't you two rest?"

"Please mother, I'd rather spend the day with you."

"Are you sure?"

I chuckled softly as I nodded, "I'm sure. Why else would I leave Camelot?"

It wasn't all about Arthur. I missed my mother, terribly. And I knew I'd be better off here in Ealdor with her.

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