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(Dakeem's POV)

(Two years earlier)

"Im going out Ma." I chuck the deuce to my mother who is sitting at the kitchen table.

The crisp November night hits me sharply as I head to the trap house to make a play for my father.

I run across the street and down the lane. This shouldn't take long, I should be home before midnight.


As I approach the house, I see cops and ambulances everywhere. What the hell is going on? I start to run to the house. As I reach the lawn, a cop grabs me and pulls me back.

"No son!"

"I live here! This is my house! What's happened?!" I shout in anguish. My heart is beating rapidly in my chest but I feel numb.

Just then, my mother rushes out of the house screeching.

Before I could call to her, I see the nurses carrying someone out on a stretcher. The hand is hanging out from the side under the sheet.

...it's my fathers hand.

I drop to my knees as I realize what's happened. Someone has killed my father...

(Carmen POV)

(Two years earlier)

"I don't want this life anymore. I'm done with this." I speak calmly to my grandmother who has been taking care of me and my brother since I was seven.

"What do you mean? You can't just walk away from your responsibilities." Grandmother stands.

"Rashamal wants me to move in with him. I'll be fine." I pick up my suitcase and head towards the door. I can't do this anymore. I'm tired of being smothered by her. I just can't do this anymore.

"Carmen you have to stay here. You don't understand what is out there."

I whip my body around. "I understand that you want to keep me in a bubble all of my life! But I'm leaving! And I don't care if you don't like it!"

"Carmen!" She shouts after me. I don't stop. I'm done with this. I'm done.

I might have a question at the end of each chapter so that I can know your opinions. I would appreciate it if you left a comment. I value all of your opinions!!!

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