Chapter 10: To the Mountians

Start from the beginning

"Ya. Guess we should." said Marc, "We're headed North!" he yelled out for Allison.

Allison nodded her head before turning to leave.

"Allison! Hey, wait up!" Hatter yelled after her.

Marc sighed as the two disappeared into the woods with Hatter trying to get Allison to look at him and her ignoring him.

"Hope your not getting attached already." said a voice.

Without flinching Marc rolled his eyes, "Shut up ya stupid cat."

"Aw your no fun."

Suddenly, Jag appeared next to him with an undeniable grin.

"What do you want?" Marc glared.

"Didn't you hear? I'm suppose to keep an eye on you." He grinned.

Marc rolled his eyes, "What? No trust? I don't like her, but that doesn't make me an idiot."

"Ya I thought you'd say that." Jag replied.

"So what about you anyway? Who's side are you on." Marc asked him.

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"Oh please. Don't give me that innocent act. I'm very aware that you snuck into my place to warn Allison of the oncoming danger ."

Jag smirked, "And here I thought I got away with it."

Marc rolled eyes again, "Why do you think it took so long to find her? The queen isn't the only one with connections."

"That explains a lot then, but if you must know, I play for the winning team." he said.

"This isn't a war you know."

"No, it's much worse." responded Jag.

"So what? Your just gonna play it to your benefit?" Marc asked him.

"Ya. Might as well. I mean, its better than betraying my best friend." he smirked.

Marc growled at him, "Too bad you don't have any friends then huh?"

Jag laughed, "Ya. Means I don't have to worry about losing them in the end."

"You son of a-"

"Ah! Wouldn't want to do anything stupid would we? Oh wait! You already have."

"Shut up before I go tell Hatter who has his hat." Marc snapped.

Jags eyes widen, "Well look at the time! Looks like I best be going!"

All of a sudden Jag was replaced by a swirl of smoke and Marc was left alone.

Meanwhile The Hatter was still trying to get Allison to talk to him.

"Hey Allison, I'm sorry."

Allison ignored him and kept walking.

"Allison! Just wait a sec!" He grabbed her arm and stopped her.

Allison let out a deep breath before glaring at him, "What?"

"Oh that's scary." The Hatter leaned back a bit.

"What do you want?" She continued to glare at him.

The Hatter let go off her arm and scratched his head, "Look umm I'm sorry. Marc told me not to go get you but I didn't think about it and......uh...... I'm sorry."

Allison's face softened for a moment, but then hardened back to a glared when she saw what he was staring.

"Apology, not excepted." She growled at him as she started to walk away.

She nudged the Hatter out of her way and kept going.

Suddenly, in one swift motion, the Hatter grabbed her hand and turned her around to face her.


Pulling her close, he wrapped his arms around her and put his face into her neck.

"Allison." He spoke into her neck, "I'm sorry. Please don't be angry with me."

Allison's face turned a deep red as her heart pounded against her chest. She felt his hot breath tickle her neck and send goosebumps all down her body.


The Hatter pulled back and put his forehead against hers, all while keeping her in a hug.

"Are you still mad at me?" He asked her.

Her breath caught in her throat. He was so close to her and she could smell the familiar scent of vanilla wafting from his body. Then his eyes. His beautiful grey eyes stared strait through her like he could read her everythought.

She shuddered and shook her head.

"Is that a no?" he smiled at her.

"N-....n-no.......I......Im not mad....." She stuttered.

The Hatters face lit up to a wide grin.

"Hey you two. If your done, lets get going."

The Hatter quickly let go of Allison and jumped away as Marc came walking up.

"Uh ya lets go. We should get there before night fall." The Hatter said.

Suddenly feeling cold from his absence, Allison rubbed her arms and nodded.

"Ya lets go. I can't wait to see these mountains you speak so much off. " She gave him a smile.

"Well.... lets get going." Said Marc as he began walking ahead.

Allison took a step forward to follow when a hand appeared in front of her.

She looked at the hand then up at its owner.

"Shall we go?" The Hatter smiled at her.

She smiled back at him before taking his hand, "Yes we shall."


And they skip off into the sunset as my friend chases me with and ax!! XD



2013 is over and I'm ready to screw it all and start brand new! ;)

Hopefully you guys enjoyed this chapter and if anyone knows someone good at book covers let me know. I'm looking at getting a new cover for the book and right now me making on isn't looking so hot soooo if u can do it or know someone, PM me an let me know.

Thanks and don't forget to vote and comment! :)


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