Halloween - Leonardo

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Happy Halloween my lovelies! Here's some chapters just for you!

"Guys, I look stupid," R/G grumbled, fingering the hem of her ragged dress and adjusting the bright red wig on her head.
"Trust me, you'll look amazing," D/G assured, swiping her paintbrush over her friend's cheeks and creating perfect artificial stitches, "The best Sally Raph has ever seen."
R/G blushed faintly, smiling when she glanced in the mirror at her reflection.
"Where'd you learn to do makeup so well, D/G?" M/G questioned, fluffing her red-and-blue-dyed hair and adjusting her fishnet tights over her temporary tattoos.
"She's an artist. I think it would come naturally to her," L/G put in, applying the slightest bit of mascara and batting her lashes to test out the effectiveness of the makeup.
"You still haven't told us what you're dressing as," M/G whined in complaint.
"You'll find out," L/G snatched up her bag to pull out a tube of lip gloss, "soon enough."
"And we have to meet the guys where?" D/G questioned, adding a powder blue foundation to R/G's skin.
"Murakami's. The Mutanimals and some other allies are getting together for a little Halloween party."
"Well ladies," M/G declared with a grin, "I think it's safe to say this will be the best All Hallows' Eve ever!"

"I'm not buying it."
"I'm telling you, I'm Anakin Skywalker!" Leo argued, showing April his black, robotic looking glove, "I've even got the artificial hand, from when he got it taken off by a light saber!"
April pushed her red permed hair out of her eyes, adjusting her yellow 80's halter top and putting a hand on her hip. "If you're Anakin, where's the helmet? And the black cape?"
Leo sighed in exasperation. "Anakin, not Darth Vader."
"Aren't they the same thing?" Casey asked, slinging an arm around April's shoulder and subtly showing off his metal rocker getup.
"No-o-o. Anakin wasn't on the Dark Side. Darth Vader on the other hand was evil."
"You're SURE you're not Luke?" April said, reaching forward to pick some lint off his costume.
"Of course not! If I was Luke, Y/N would be dressing as Leia, not Padmé."
Casey shrugged, hooking his thumbs in the pockets of his overly-trashed jeans. "Who knew the Space Heroes need had a thing for Star Wars too?"
April swatted her boyfriend's chest. "Play nice, Jones. Let's just go dance and let Leo wait for his...princess of taboo?"
"Queen of Naboo," Leo corrected tiredly, "But nice try."
April smiled apologetically, leading Casey to the other side of the restaurant, pulling up her leg warmers as they went. Leonardo sighed, turning his blue light saber on and off in boredom.
His head jerked up, and he smiled excitedly when he caught sight of Y/N. Her hair was done up in a flawless bun. She was dressed completely in white; her boots, full cape, white pants, and long sleeve shirt that showed off her toned midriff contrasted greatly with the black blaster at her hip. The contours on her face and touch of lipgloss gave her the perfect humble-yet-regal look.
"Y/N," he breathed in awe, stepping forward. "You look...wow..."
She smiled wryly. "Y/N is my earthling name. Please address me as Padmé Amidala Naberrie, leader of Naboo."
He bowed in faux veneration. "Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Knight, at your service."
"Ah, young Skywalker," she played along, "Well, it may interest you that I have been trained in the Force as well."
She lifted a hand, and telekinetically transported a glass of punch into her hand.
Leo laughed. "Nicely done." He raised his hand as well, and another cup floated through the air into his hand. Y/N's eyes widened.
"But...but how...?"
Leo smirked. "A proper Jedi never reveals his secrets. Care for some pizza gyoza, your Majesty?"
She laughed disbelievingly, nodding and walking with him to the drinks table. Leo glanced back and winked at no one in particular... until D/G turned off her invisibility and appeared. The leader grinned, mouthing 'thank you'.
His friend gave him a thumbs-up before continuing to search for her boyfriend.

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