Babysitting - Leonardo

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"...Hey Leo?"

"Yes, Love?" Leo flipped another page in his comic book.

"Umm... do you like kids?"

Leo's face went completely slack as he glanced over at me, standing in the entrance of the lair. "Oh shell...are you - you can't be - please don't tell me you're -"

I blinked in confusion and then rolled my eyes, "No! Leonardo, I'm not - just - no."

His entire form melted with relief against the couch cushions, "Then why were you asking?"

"Because I might have... sort of.. offered to babysit my friend's kid..."


"Shh! You'll rile him up!" I cut him off quickly as I rounded the corner with the tiny stroller and a bag of baby paraphernalia.

"You brought a kid into the lair?!" Leo whisper-shouted, jumping up from his seat on the couch.

"It's not a big deal," I insisted in a low voice, "He's only 3 months, so he can't reveal you guys, and his parents begged me to take him while they were away on business," I plucked the baby from his seat in the stroller, holding him up for Leo to see, "And how could I say no to this adorable face?"

"I'll tell you how, you just say n..." Leo's sentence trailed off as he gazed at the little infant in my arms.

The little boy grinned up at my boyfriend, big brown eyes looking at Leo in amazed awe as he reached toward him with pudgy hands.

I could tell Leo was fighting to hold back the 'aaawwwww' as he observed the baby boy.

"W-well, I guess he is kind of... alright, he's cute," he finally huffed, holding out a finger to the baby, who instantly wrapped his little hand around it, "What's his name?"


I could've sworn Leo's eyes almost popped out of his head as he got a dopey grin on his face. The adorable infant sharing a name with his favorite TV show hero was all that was needed to convince my boyfriend. Within seconds, Leo had scooped Ryan up into his arms, donning a proud smile as he gave the little boy a tour of the lair, oblivious to the fact that Ryan wasn't listening to a single word.

I laughed to myself, watching my turtle's face suddenly lit up as he lifted Ryan into the air to examine the paint on the Japanese screens outside the dojo.

"He's a total sucker for little kids," I decided quietly, "...and an even bigger sucker for Space Heroes."

I couldn't contain my amused smile as I trotted over to play with Ryan and Leo.

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