A blinded love

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Jeremy’s POV

I had almost kissed her.

It was a stupid, irrational move I had almost made. I sat by the other chair in her ward as I watched her strum her guitar and sing softly by the sofa tucked next to the window. She was so beautiful. Her hair was growing longer now, touching her back and it curled in waves around her pale face. Her fringe was covering her eyes, shielding the fact that she was blind but it also blocked the beautiful blue crystal orbs that seemed to hold me in place whenever she looks at my direction when I speak to her.

They held so much sadness, so much depth in those two eyes. It also held so much wisdom in it too. Even though she was blind, her eyes were the most impressive-looking ever. I was falling for her even more every day. She was so beautiful, so kind, gentle and so talented. I think Blake fell for her the same way I did.

I remember the first time I saw her in class.

I didn’t know she was blind. I only knew it when she told me and didn’t see the hand I had held out for her to shake. She was always smiling and laughing at my jokes, her voice was so sexy and I can hear her talk all day. And then when she sings, boy it almost broke my heart. Cheesy I know.

I heard her sing the first time when I was wandering around her house, during the projects that we had. She didn’t know that her mother had invited me in and I wandered around, noticing the house was immaculately clean. I had passed the kitchen and then I heard someone singing.

It sounded so magical, so ethereal that my feet started moving on its own. I climbed up the stairs softly, ears listening intently to the song that she was singing. I came upon her room and I entered it, I didn’t knock since I didn’t want her to stop singing yet.

I saw her on her baby grand, playing a song I knew so well. She was singing, her voice held so much sadness in it that my heart bled, I inched forwards without me knowing and I was hovering next to her by the time I realised I had moved. She stopped singing suddenly but she didn’t stop playing. I knew she heard me.

That was when I had heard her sing such a beautiful melody with so much sadness buried deep inside her. I watched her from my perch, she was still singing with that sadness inside and it held so much meaning to it that I felt my heart lurch again. Her voice cannot be doing all this to me.

It was impossible.

I was falling for a blind girl.

Should I tell her or should I not? I glanced back at her, watching her strum effortlessly and for one moment there, I thought she was able to see. I thought she wasn’t blind. She was seated sideways, her back on the arm rest while her legs were resting on the sofa. She looked so at ease, so calm and for once, she looked as normal as anyone.

I looked away, staring at the bed near my leg. I don’t want to complicate things further and I was sure she was still mourning for her lost love. I couldn’t do that to her, I can’t bear it. I have no intentions of hurting her anymore. I glanced at her again; I should just be a good friend to her.

I’ll wait if I have to.

I know my mind isn’t really thinking rationally right now but heck, I’d do whatever it takes to take that pain away from her. Or maybe lessen the pain. I don’t know if I’m able to make her forget everything but I think that’ll do. She needs people in her life to love her; she didn’t need more sadness in her life.

I stood up suddenly and walked over towards her, pulling her legs up so that I was able to sit beside her. My heart was pounding ten times as fast as I can feel her legs splayed on my lap. She was doing wonders to me.

She was strumming again, humming and then she started singing. I acted as if sitting there with her legs over me is like the most normal thing to do in the world. She was singing a song by Jessie J titled Who You Are and I started singing softly, adding in my tenor voice to her soprano ones.

She smiled as soon as I started singing and my heart melted at that sight, she looked so pretty when she smiles. It made me feel better too. We started belting out the chorus, making idiotic voices and screaming our heads off, yelling out the lyrics. Our voices clashed together and then it wound nicely, fitting perfectly.

It was as if our voices are meant to be.

Shit, that was deep.

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