A blinded perception

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Note: This past story happens way before Sylvia confesses to Blake about her feelings. Just in case if you're wondering when this is set. Two years ago, senior year before the confession of Sylvia. Enjoy! :D

It was around three in the afternoon, both Sylvia and I were making our way towards the blenchers that were facing the track and field. She was talking about her recent escapades with Blake, gossiping about one of the girls she hated so much, gossiping about the recent hot biker boy that transferred and mostly gossiping about other people. She’s loaded with gossip in the school and I have no idea how much she knows.

I was carrying the semi-acoustic with me since I intended to play some songs while hanging out with Sylvia as we waited for Kenny’s practice to end. This is one of the days where we just hang out by the blenchers till the late of night, just goofing off and singing to our heart’s content. We climbed up the blenchers with the both of us laughing over the gossip that Sylvia telling me-something about a girl having a nose job that turned out horrible in the end.

‘You know, you should hang out with us whenever Blake comes over my house. You’ll be able to stare and ogle at him as long as you want,’ I said with a huge grin as we settled on the benchers. I laughed when I see her blush furiously at me but her eyes changed and her shoulders sagged down.

‘D-do you think he’ll talk to me Ly?’ she asked me timidly, using my nickname. ‘Is just that I’ve been trying to get his attention all these years but he’s not buying it at all. I’m in pain Ly, I’m in so much pain.’

My heart broke seeing my bestfriend like this so I gave her a hug, pulling her close to me. ‘I have an idea, there’s a party coming up soon right? Scott’s having one I think if I get the info right that’s when we initiate the plan,’ I told her as soon as we let each other go. Hope was in her eyes as I looked at her. ‘Do you trust me?’

She sighed and sat down, staring off into the distance, her blonde hair flying around her as the wind sped up. I gazed at my bestfriend; she was so beautiful, such radiance glowing from her. I don’t even know why Blake didn’t notice her at all. She’s like the sun while I was the lone star, she shines bright while I just shine when no one can see. ‘I do trust you Ly, but then I don’t know. I don’t want to feel so jealous, I don’t want…’

I gave her a sympathetic smile, understanding what she feels. I grabbed my acoustic by the bench and took off the cover, testing out whether it was tuned. Adjusting a little, I strummed a little and hummed since I wanted to get the tuning right. I knew a song that might help her. I started strumming and open my mouth to sing.

“Lying here with you so close to me
it’s hard to fight these feelings when it feels so hard to breathe
caught up in this moment
caught up in your smile”


Sylvia gave me a pained smile and she added in with her own unique voice. Together, we sang the truth of what she felt. She was feeling a mess, feeling as if the world has just gone dark but it will only light up when Blake is there speaking to her. With me strumming, I watched her sing her part and I could see the pain evident in her eyes which reflected what she feels inside her heart.


“Just a kiss on your lips in the moonlight
just a touch in the fire burning so bright
and I don’t want to mess this thing up
I don’t want to push too far”

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