A blinded chance

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Present day.

‘Holly bear, if you can hear me, please wake up. I can’t bear to see you like this any longer, please wake up. I want to be able to see your beautiful eyes again; I want to be able to hear you laugh again. Come on Holly bear, please wake up for me. Everyone here is waiting for you.’

I heard Kenny plead at me.

‘Hey. You’ve been sleeping and unmoving for days. Its weird seeing you like this, so quiet and so not sarcastic at me. I kind of miss you, I just want to see you smile and be all sarcastic at me again. I don’t know if you can hear me, I miss you a lot.’

I heard Jeremy spoke to me softly, his hands cradling mine so gently.

‘Baby, Mummy’s here. Please wake up baby, I want to see my baby smile and kiss me again. I don’t want you to leave me alone alright baby? I want you to wake up, please.’

I heard Mum speak to me, her voice was so frail.

I can hear all of them crying. I could feel hands holding mine tightly, squeezing it. I tried squeezing back but I felt my arms were too heavy for me. I tried to open my eyes, tried to open my mouth to tell them that I can hear. But somehow, someone is stopping me from doing.

Someone or something.

I could see Blake standing. I could see him standing beside me. I knew I was lying in the hospital, I could feel the bed I was lying on. I could smell that hospital scent I was so used to. I could hear everything-the beeping, the cries, the normal day of the hospital. I knew I cannot see, all I saw was darkness but I can see Blake standing beside me.

What is this wizardry?

‘Blake? How come I can see you?’ I asked him in awe as my heart squeezed in pain. ‘Am I dead?’

He gave me a small smile, his eyes were holding a pained look and he had his hair down. I always loved it when his hair was down; he looked so mysterious and so handsome at the same time. The man who had loved me walked towards me and gripped my hand tightly. My boy.

‘You’re not dead pumpkin, you’re just floating in between,’ he told me with loving eyes as he softly ran circles at the back of my hand with his thumb, causing tingles running down my arm. ‘I’m here to tell you to stop blaming yourself for what had happened. It’s not your fault this happened. It’s not your fault. Remember one thing pumpkin, I love you with all my heart and I want you to be happy even if I’m not there.’

He leaned lower and his other hand ran though my hair, his fingers caressing my forehead. I stared at him with longing, my eyes brimming with tears. I wanted to move to touch his face but my arms felt a ton. He looked so ethereal, looked so beautiful; it hurt me to look at him. ‘I love you too Blake,’ I whispered to him and he smiled at me. He leaned down and pressed his lips to mine softly.

‘I love you Holly Lindsey,’ I heard him whisper against my lips and then I felt him disappear. I felt him disappear again. I gasped suddenly at the sudden tugging, my heart wrenched in pain and I started crying, tears tracking down my cheeks. I gasped again, a gut-wrenching breath of air before I woke up.

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